
Endless bone erosion lingering.

An Liuli had known a few times before that Yue Ze, who seemed cold and ascetic, was actually a formidable master in bed.

She has good stamina and strong staying power. In that respect, she is completely different from her usual indifference, and she is particularly domineering when tossing people around.

But even so, An Liuli didn't know that the drunk Yue Ze was even scarier than before.

Speaking of that time more than four years ago, Yue Ze also drank alcohol and took medicine.

But that time, An Liuli herself also took the medicine, she was groggy that night, her body was hot, and she just burrowed into Yue Ze's arms.

Except for being broken by Yue Ze, and the pain for the first time, she doesn't remember anything else.

Unlike now, she clearly felt Yue Ze's strength in her body.

Bearing his pain soberly, feeling the thin lips he bit on her neck, collarbone, and shoulders, branding the hickey marks.

After an unknown amount of time, the man holding her in the vortex of the valley finally stopped.

"Huh..." An Liuli took a small breath, looked down at her chest, and there were actually red and purple hickeys all over her.

Yue Ze, who was drunk, is really a dog. He usually only kisses a few times at most, but tonight he relied on biting.

He gnawed from her lips to her neck, and then from her neck to her collarbone and chest, making her weak all over, and there were not a few inches of good flesh on her whole body.

Hate, I have to put on a thick concealer again tomorrow morning.

An Liuli thought helplessly, and gently pushed the man who was hugging her.

Yue Ze's slender arms were still on her slender waist, holding An Liuli tightly in his arms.

The man's handsome side face was right next to her ear, and a cool breath hit her neck during her even breathing.

At this moment, the peace and tranquility seemed unreal.

"Ding dong—— ding dong—" At this moment, the doorbell suddenly sounded from outside the room.

An Liuli, who was curled up in Yue Ze's arms like a docile kitten just a moment ago, suddenly stood up like a hedgehog with spikes all over her body, and was about to sit up vigilantly.

"Hey, sleep a little longer."

A man who was drunk after drinking a lot of wine, and had just done a few "hard work", took An Liuli, who was about to sit up, back to the big bed with a big hand.

Falling back to the bed, An Liuli whispered, "Let go of me, someone is coming."

She knew that it was probably her cousin Liu Yi who sent the 'battle suit' here.

It's her fault that she forgot about it.

Otherwise, if I called my cousin just now, she wouldn't have to make an extra trip at night.

"Don't let go." Yue Ze's long and narrow phoenix pupils were still tightly closed, his brows were slightly frowned while speaking, and his slender eyelashes trembled slightly.

His eyelashes are really long and long, thicker and slender than many female stars.

With his eyes closed, Yue Ze looked more handsome and less indifferent than usual. He held An Liuli tightly in his arms, buried his tall nose in her hair, and absorbed the sweetness that only belonged to An Liuli.

An Liuli couldn't take it anymore, the doorbell outside the room rang several times, it was obvious that her cousin was in a hurry.

Seeing this, An Liuli could only take the initiative to place a kiss on Yue Ze's thin lips, and said in a delicate tone: "Don't make trouble, wait until I come back, okay? It should be my cousin who brought me something outside, I'll take it I'll be right back, good..."

God knows why she coaxed the movie king Yue Ze so much, it is obvious that this man is older than her, has a better background and seniority than her.

However, Yue Ze seems to be very happy with An Liuli's soft and sticky attitude.

He still didn't open his eyes, but bit An Liuli's delicate lips back: "Well...I'll wait for you."

【The next chapter before 19:00】

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