
"Why are you looking at me with that look? I didn't arrange this matter. Besides, Liu Yi is paid by the company. If you want her that much, you can either tell your mother or give it to her alone." From then on, I will not enjoy the company's five social insurances, one housing fund and various benefits."

Wen Feiyan knew that An Liuli could not get a stable salary, and she also knew that Liu Yi's family had children and a family to support, so she couldn't afford to lose this job.

An Liuli is no longer a popular actress.

She couldn't receive advertisements, and she didn't have lucrative advertisements, so naturally she couldn't afford Liu Yi a sufficient commission.

So An Liuli knew clearly that if Xie Fangyu really didn't even have any mother-daughter love, she would insist on transferring Liu Yi away.

For the sake of living, neither she nor her cousin could compete.

An Liuli's face darkened: "My cousin has been transferred, so someone should follow me?"

She looked at Wen Feiyan calmly. If it was four years ago, An Liuli would have been flustered and helpless when she suddenly heard such news.

But these four years are enough for her to grow up.

Knowing that what the other party wanted to see was her embarrassment and anger, she had to act calm and stable.

Wen Feiyan did not expect that An Liuli would not be annoyed at all, and would not even make noise with herself.

She wished that An Liuli would lose her temper and be unable to keep arguing with her in the corridor.

This will attract more people and let others see An Liuli's 'unreasonable trouble'.

Unfortunately, An Liuli was too calm, so calm that Wen Feiyan felt strange and panicked.

In order to cover up the uneasiness in her heart, Wen Feiyan raised her eyebrows and said, "Who do you want to follow? Managers, assistants? An Liuli, don't you look at your current situation, do you think you are worthy?

Over the years, how much money the company has spent on you, how much manpower and material resources, have you ever given the company anything in return? For more than four years, you have made the company lose money every year, so from now on the company decides to take back your agent and assistant, and from now on you can take care of your own affairs alone. "

It was said that the manager was an assistant, but in fact, An Liuli had no assistant by her side.

Liu Yi has always been alone, acting as both a manager and an assistant.

"Okay, I have brought everything I said. What I said just now is the decision of the board of directors and the president. If you have any questions, you can call back and ask your mother in person. I will have a kiss scene with Yue Ze tomorrow, and now I want Go back and apply the mask to read the script, good night."

Wen Feiyan left these words condescendingly, glared at An Liuli and was about to leave.

But before leaving, An Liuli grabbed her wrist, "Wait a minute."

"What are you doing?" Wen Feiyan turned her head with disdain in her eyes.

She didn't like An Liuli touching her, An Liuli's hands were whiter than hers, and when their arms were put together, Wen Feiyan only felt that she was being compared.

An Liuli: "Oh, it's nothing... just want to tell you something, go to bed early when you go back, don't worry about it."

Wen Feiyan was suspicious and couldn't help asking: "Why?"

An Liuli frowned delicately: "Why else, of course it's because you won't be able to shoot the kiss scene tomorrow. Believe me, don't worry about it. If you have that time, it's better to take a beauty sleep."

After speaking, An Liuli ignored her and let go to close the door.

"Wait a minute, An Liuli, tell me clearly—"

Wen Feiyan still wanted to stop her, but the only response to her was the slamming door.

"An Liuli..." Wen Feiyan was furious.

She glared at the door of An Liuli's room with resentment, she didn't believe An Liuli's words at all.

She knew that An Liuli must be trying to disturb her mood, it must be.

She is not fooled!

[The next chapter before 20:00]

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