

An Liuli mercilessly pressed Yue Ze's handsome face with her hand.

Yue Ze, who just woke up in the morning, has a lazy breath in his deep and charming blue eyes.

However, even such a handsome face was still ruthlessly pushed away by An Liuli.

She said extremely calmly: "I have an early scene, now I'm going to go to make up."

Although Koshizawa is a big name, as an actor, he has basic ethics.

Wanting to catch An Liuli back, she pressed her on the bed and was finally dispelled by the words 'serious and professional'.

Yue Ze also sat up, the quilt slipped from his naked body, but he seemed unconscious.

Those deep blue eyes were only glued to An Liuli's body from beginning to end.

"Turn around, don't look."

Holding the bar, An Liuli, who was about to take off her pajamas and put it on, suddenly felt that focused gaze.

She suddenly stopped what she was doing and said to Yue Ze.

Koshizawa: ...

"Why did I turn around the person I've seen and hugged before?" The lofty man was very concerned about this.

His tone clearly said that An Liuli was his man, and it was only natural for him to see or hug her.

The corners of An Liuli's lips raised slightly: "I've read it and hugged it, it was also last night, Mr. Yue won't forget what I said... This is an exchange of equal value, you agree to my request, and I will serve you. One The code is returned to one code, one change at a time.

Now, my service has ended, and our terms of equal exchange, Mr. Yue, don't forget. "

Saying that, An Liuli turned around very generously, and pecked at the side of Yue Ze's increasingly handsome and cold face.

Right, it's a gift for him.

However, the handsome face of the man who was kissed by the woman turned cold.

His already slightly cool blue eyes were covered with a layer of icy mist.

"For me, last night was more than an exchange of equal value, and it was more than just a service. Liuli, I like you, and I want to date you on the premise of getting married..."

Early in the morning, before rushing to start work, An Liuli, who was unbuttoning her pajamas, stopped suddenly.

As if she heard something terrible, her beautiful eyebrows were slightly startled, and even her small mouth was opened very carelessly, wide open.

An Liuli looked at Yue Ze almost dumbfounded, and coughed several times after realizing it.

"Cough, cough cough... Mr. Yue, aren't you, are you making such a joke early in the morning?"

If you want to date her on the premise of getting married, she might believe this kind of lying to a little girl in four or five years.

But now, sorry, it's really impossible for her to play such childish and boring games.

"I never joke." Yue Ze looked at her, his blue eyes were cold and clear.

Anyone who saw his expression would be shocked by the seriousness in his eyes.

An Liuli immediately turned her eyes away, her beautiful eyes were slightly moved just now, but what she experienced in the past four years taught her not to be moved at will.

Trusting others is a very luxurious feeling.

"No..." An Liuli tilted her head slightly, her eyes were deep and flickering.

"I'm not interested in falling in love now, so let's keep the current relationship, it's good. It's convenient for you and me, you can find me if you need it, and I can bribe you if you need it, and it's not easy to be caught by the paparazzi Hold on. Mr. Yue, my career has just started to improve, and I don't want to be brought down by you..."

"Okay, go on sleeping, don't avoid me and go to the bathroom to change." After speaking, An Liuli picked up the change of clothes and went into the bathroom without hesitation.

There was a sound of the bathroom door being closed and locked.

On the big bed outside, Yue Ze's expression gradually became deep and complicated.

【The next chapter before 18:40】

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