Wen Feiyan's words immediately caught Director Han Shuo's attention.

These days, there are more and more crazy fans. Last time, a female fan stripped off and hid on the male idol's hotel bed, almost scaring people out of the shadows.

Director Han Shuo immediately approached the door and turned the handle with his hands. Sure enough, it was locked and could not be opened.

Immediately afterwards, he knocked loudly on the door again, but as director Han Shuo said, there was no response.

There are weird...

Director Han immediately said to the assistant director, "Hurry up, get the key and ask someone to open the door. By the way, where is Yue Ze's manager and assistant, how do you meet people?"

Although Yue Ze is low-key, he usually doesn't like to put on a show, and he doesn't appear like other Uranus superstars with seven or eight assistants and bodyguards.

But by his side, as long as he needs it, there will always be someone following him.

But today, why didn't I see anyone from Yue Ze.

At this moment, Han Shuo had sharp eyes and saw the blond man standing outside the crowd.

"Hey, you...you you you...yes, it's you...where did your Yueze go?"

Iger stood in the crowd and was recognized by director Han Shuo.

But to be honest, it's hard not to recognize him. He is blond and blue-eyed, with a standard foreigner appearance.

Director Han Shuo has known Yue Ze for many years, so naturally he also knows the people around him.

Although he hasn't met Iger twice, Yue Ze is the only person in the entertainment industry who can find such a handsome blond guy as an assistant.

Iger was recognized by director Han Shuo, and he knew he couldn't hide.

But he kept An Liuli's words in mind, knowing that once he revealed his identity, he would be fired by An Liuli.

He was the one that the young master sent to Miss Liuli with great difficulty, and he must not be returned.

Iger walked out of the crowd and said solemnly: "Hello, Director Han, I don't know the situation of Teacher Yue Ze. You may have misidentified the person. I am An Liuli's assistant."

He speaks standard Hua Guo dialect, and can't hear any foreign accent.

Director Han Shuo wiped his eyes: "Am I wrong? I might... Aren't you the assistant of Koshizawa? He is the only foreign assistant in our circle."

"Oh, you said this." Iger raised his eyebrows, and pulled his hair casually, "This blond hair is dyed, and his eyes are wearing blue contact lenses."

Director Han: ...

Damn, it's still like this, did he really admit the wrong person?

But when did An Liuli change her assistant? Wasn't her previous assistant a young woman?

Director Han Shuo looked at Wen Feiyan suspiciously, and Wen Feiyan was also taken aback when she first saw Iger.

The company transferred An Liuli's assistant away last night, where did she find another assistant so quickly?

But to the outside world, everyone knew that Wen Feiyan cared about An Liuli the most.

She couldn't pretend she didn't know, and when she received director Han Shuo's questioning gaze, Wen Feiyan said, "Yes, indeed, Liuli's former assistant didn't care about her, and she had been tricking Liuli a lot over the years, so the company replaced her." This is the new assistant hired by the company."

"I'm not hired by the company. I'm a personal assistant hired by Ms. An Liuli at her own expense. It has nothing to do with the company."

Unexpectedly, as soon as Wen Feiyan finished speaking, Iger unceremoniously exposed her lie.

"Ah, huh... yes, is that so?" However, Wen Feiyan's reaction was very calm.

She said softly: "I'm sorry, I also heard what others said, and thought you were hired by the company."

It was not surprising that the people around heard the conversation between the two.

What is Wen Feiyan's position, how busy she is, it is very rare to be able to care about An Liuli knowing that she has changed assistants.

Do you want to take care of everything? She is not An Liuli's biological sister.

Among step-sisters, it is very rare to be able to do what Wen Feiyan did.

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