
Yue Ze's expression was cold with a trace of seriousness, it was obvious that he was not right about the matter, and he looked like he was talking about business.

"According to yesterday's filming plot, Zheng Meiyi has become Mo Chenyuan's lover. Even if he is an underground lover who can't see the light, but with Mo Chenyuan's character, it is impossible for him to be like the original script. Having intimate contact with Zheng Meixue in the elevator, he bowed his head and kissed her.

Don't forget, Mo Chenyuan in the script is interested in Zheng Meixue's sudden flirtation in the elevator because he hasn't had close contact with women for many years. He thought that Zheng Meixue's breath was fragrant, and after she hugged her body actively, she reacted. This was the beginning of Zheng Meixue's initial attraction to him.

But in the new plot, Mo Chenyuan was fed by Zheng Meiyi last night. For a man like him who is not promiscuous, Zheng Meiyi is his woman now, and the fragrance on Zheng Meiyi is what he recognizes breath. Therefore, it is impossible for him to be interested in porridge and side dishes like Zheng Meixue. "

One pass analysis completely analyzed the plot and the psychological changes of the character Mo Chenyuan.

Although Yue Ze promised An Liuli that he would "exchange at equal value" with her.

But in fact, as an actor at the actor's level and a producer at the same time, he is equally serious about his work.

The reason why he agreed to An Liuli was not only to make her happy, but also because it was originally a change in line with the plot.

Mo Chenyuan, who accepted Zheng Meiyi's "seduction" in the office yesterday, is no longer the Mo Chenyuan originally set in the script.

Now that his relationship with Zheng Meiyi has changed, his relationship with Zheng Meixue should naturally also change.

"Yes, that's right, that's it..." Director Han Shuo was the first to react. After hearing what Yue Ze said, he couldn't help clapping his hands.

"Yue Ze, fortunately you thought of this. If we still shoot according to the original plot, then Mo Chenyuan will become a sure-fire scumbag!"

Mo Chenyuan is a deep and indifferent male protagonist, and he is not a male villain, so how could he do things like two boats with one foot.

Director Han kept nodding, seeming to agree with Yue Ze's handling.

But Wen Feiyan at the side became anxious.

If it is filmed like this, what about her role?

She is obviously the number one heroine, so why should she overwhelm her and add to An Liuli's play.

Wen Feiyan couldn't help raising her eyebrows: "No, I don't accept this change. The director... what should I do after Zheng Meixue is changed like this? It is clear that Zheng Meixue is going to be with Mo Chenyuan in this drama, but now On the contrary, she was hated by Mo Chenyuan and pushed away, how can she be filmed after this continues!?"

The most important thing is that if things go on like this, Zheng Meixue's limelight will definitely be overwhelmed by Zheng Meiyi.

Obviously the one who should occupy the absolute position is himself, so why let An Liuli overwhelm him?

At this time, Wen Feiyan had already forgotten Yue Ze's warning just now, and she also forgot that when she first signed the contract, it was indicated in her contract that this was a drama with two female leads.

When she first learned that the other heroine was played by An Liuli, her first reaction was to find someone to suppress An Liuli's play.

But now, when things went against her arrangement, she began to complain about the injustice instead.

Han Shuo: "The screenwriter, me, and the producer will naturally make arrangements for the filming in the future. Wen Feiyan, don't be so anxious. This drama has two heroines in the first place. We will take care of both you and An Liuli's roles. , the plot will definitely be rounded up, and there will be no logical flaws."

Director Han Shuo kindly persuaded him.

He also understood why Wen Feiyan was in such a hurry. With two heroines, if the opponent is strong, she is weak. Wen Feiyan is probably afraid that An Liuli will steal the limelight.

However, Director Han's kindness was treated as a donkey's liver and lungs.

Wen Feiyan didn't get the result she wanted, she bit her lip and glared at him, knowing that there was no room for change, she couldn't control herself and said to Director Han and Yue Ze: "Then I'm going down to rest, I'm tired, today No more shots."

After speaking, without waiting for others to persuade him, he lowered his head and endured the pain in his ankle, and walked out of the studio quickly.

[Beyond 1200 words: strive for around 19:30 in the next chapter]

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