Hear him finish.

Tang Xinluo's entire body froze.

Lu Yuchen...he, was he actually angry about this?

In other words, he still doesn't know about Yue Ze?

A stone fell heavily in my heart, but at the same time, there was another rope that was stretched tightly.

She was always in a panic, even though she knew that she had no other intentions for Yue Ze, she somehow felt that Lu Yuchen would mind this kind of thing.

But now it seems that he will more than mind this kind of thing.

Even dancing with his good friend Qiao Mohan would mind!

Tang Xinluo asked in a trembling voice, "You...you didn't come back from country M because of this...?"

The ghost knows why she suddenly asked such a thing.

Obviously, at this time, he should be appeased and beg for mercy by the way.

But the words have already been asked, and they cannot be taken back.

Lu Yuchen hugged her and buried his head on her chest.

Hearing her trembling voice, the movement that had never stopped, finally slowed down.

He raised his head, and two cold eyes fell on her red face.

In the dark eyes, there is a feeling of love and a trace of confusion that have no time to subside.

Tang Xinluo's breathing stagnated, frightened by the look of love in his eyes, and also uneasy about the confusion in his eyes.

Lu Yuchen, who has always been decisive in killing, when did he show such an expression?

It's a pity that the confusion was fleeting, and Tang Xinluo almost thought it was his eyesight.

Lu Yuchen frowned and looked at her for a while.

In the end, he just spit out three words, "Concentrate."

After that, he lowered his head again and kissed between her fragrant necks.

This time, the movement was finally gentle.

The temperature in the room gradually rose, and Tang Xinluo's mind became heavier and heavier.

After a long time, I only know how to move mechanically...

I don't know how long it took before I finally let him relax.


After a few times, the little woman was already tired and fell asleep.

Lu Yuchen looked at the sleeping faces of the people beside him, the corners of his lips that had always been cool, finally turned up slightly.

Gently kissed her brow.

This kiss was much gentler than when she was awake.

Seeing that she was completely asleep, Lu Yuchen got up and left the bedroom wearing a nightgown.


In the study, the fax machine received documents from lawyer Fan.

Lu Yuchen was leaning against the table with his phone in one hand and a red wine glass in the other, as if he was thinking about something.

The phone was connected, and Qiao Mohan's voice brought back his thoughts of going far away.

"Yuchen, don't you know that there is a time difference between M country and Hua country? You really have no conscience to call me now." The voice on the phone was very noisy.

Qiao Mohan obviously didn't sleep.

Lu Yuchen ignored him and said coolly, "I'm in China now."

"What, are you back?!"

Qiao Mohan suddenly smiled happily.

"Oh, I knew that the red rose in your house is definitely better than the white lotus flower. Yuchen, after so many years, you have finally come to your senses!"

Don't look at Qiao Mohan's condescending voice, he was really happy for Lu Yuchen.

Gu Xuan'er's white lotus flower, since he knew her, Qiao Mohan didn't think she was a good woman.

He was different from Lu Yuchen.

Lu Yuchen had always repelled women from approaching since he was a child. In order to confuse that person, he deliberately pretended to be a playboy and pretended to play with women.

But he, Qiao Mohan, is really famous.

Probably because he had seen all kinds of women, the first time he saw Gu Xuan'er, he knew that she was not a simple woman.

However, good brother Lu Yuchen said that Gu Xuan'er was an angel.

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