Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 122 Her worth is not worth the price at all

"What, 275.87 million!!!"

Yaoxing's executive vice president Wen Bohao almost lost his composure and bounced off the sofa.

And the face of the representative lawyer Shi Renhui on the side also showed a disheveled look.

275.87 million... 275.87 million...

Sitting on the other side, Li Yongmei, who came to participate in this kind of negotiation on behalf of Wen Feiyan, was so frightened that her face turned blue and she clicked her tongue again and again.

Tens of millions, hundreds of millions... She kept counting in her mind, trying to figure out how much it was.

After Li Yongmei followed Wen Feiyan, the salary in the bank account increased several times.

But she had never seen so much money in her life, and she never imagined that it was just a termination of the contract, how could so much money be made.

Li Yongmei couldn't help asking: "Why do you need so much liquidated damages? Did you make a mistake somewhere?"

Bai Yu seemed to have known that they would ask this question, raised his eyebrows, and pointed to a clause in the contract with the pen in his hand: "See, here, it is stated that if the contract cannot be performed due to Party B's reasons, two compensations will be paid." Seventy-five million eighty-seven million liquidated damages. When my client, Ms. An Liuli, signed the contract with the crew, she stated this clearly."

"Now she also really wants to respond to the company's decision to terminate the contract with the crew of "Flower of Thorns", that is, the former "Flower of Two Lives". But the decision is made by the company, and naturally the company should bear the compensation for breach of contract. 270 million 5.87 million, as long as Yaoxing can pay this liquidated damages for Ms. An Liuli, she can leave the film crew now."

Speaking of this matter, An Liuli's cousin Liu Yi was smart.

Because in the past few years, although An Liuli's reputation in the circle has collapsed, she has not yet reached the point where she can't take on the show at all.

Occasionally, relying on her connections in the past, she can also receive one or two roles that are relatively low in rank, but can still be considered to be able to play a role.

Although that kind of role is not the main character, it still attracts fans once played well.

But coincidentally, whenever An Liuli got such a role, she would always be interfered by Yaoxing.

Either let her directly refuse to act, or let her break the contract.

Anyway, the Wen family has plenty of money, and Yaoxing can afford liquidated damages.

Because the contract was with Yaoxing, the company paid liquidated damages to forcefully terminate the contract, and An Liuli had no choice.

After a few times, An Liuli also offended her old friend who was willing to help her, and the scene was not able to be filmed.

And this time, he signed the contract with the crew of "Two Lives Flower", because An Liuli got all the resources back by relying on his friendship with Yue Xinluo.

So when Liu Yi was her agent, she first signed a contract with the crew, and then sent it back to the company to report it, and at the same time she sent a Weibo to announce the matter.

"Two Lives Flower" is a big cake, unless there is no other way, Yaoxing can't let An Liuli break the contract and withdraw immediately.

By doing so, it is telling the public that Yaoxing just doesn't want to see An Liuli, and is hiding An Liuli in the snow.

At that time, An Liuli hadn't threatened Wen Feiyan yet, so Wen Feiyan naturally didn't let the company kill her.

And Liu Yi kept an eye out, for fear that Wen Feiyan would be jealous of An Liuli's popularity in the future and would force her to terminate the contract, so she signed a breach clause of 275.87 million with the crew early in the morning.

An Liuli didn't know about this beforehand.

Even Yue Ze only saw this number when he checked the contract.

And this happened to be the best way for Bai Yu to stand up for An Liuli.

"Impossible, An Liuli is an N-line female star who has not been popular for a long time, why did the crew sign such a high liquidated damages clause with her? Her worth is not worth the price at all!"

【The next chapter before 19:00】

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