The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! 275.87 million, even for an entertainment company like Yaoxing that has almost reached the top ranks Not a small sum.

If they had to use so much money to force An Liuli and the crew to terminate the contract, then Yaoxing Entertainment's financial report would not be good for the next quarter, or even the whole year.

However, when Wen Bohaoxiao patiently explained to Wen Feiyan the stakes and the impact on the company with great righteousness.

But she was stopped by Wen Feiyan's sentence - "My father has a lot of money".

Yes, Wen Yancheng does have plenty of money.

Although Wen Bohao is also from the Wen family, he is a child of Wen Yancheng's cousin's family. Although he is a relative, he is actually not that close.

In these years, Wen Bohao was also able to find a somewhat powerful position in the Wen family because Wen Yancheng had no son, only Wen Feiyan had a daughter.

He really wanted to climb up and had certain abilities and ambitions, but he didn't dare to disobey Wen Feiyan's words.

Because Wen Bohao knew that Wen Yancheng was just such a precious daughter as Wen Feiyan, and he was used to pampering her for so many years, and he relied on her for everything.

Unexpectedly, pampering and pampering, actually pampering Wen Feiyan into such a stupid and arrogant character.

At this moment, Wen Bohao was tired of Wen Feiyan's self-righteous attitude.

275.87 million... With so much money, how could she, Wen Feiyan, just throw it away!

"How about Mr. Wen, what's the result of your discussion?" Bai Yu saw Wen Bohao's face, and he could guess that things were probably as he predicted.

Sure enough, in the next second, Wen Bohao sat back on the sofa showing a trace of slump and irritability.

On the contrary, Li Yongmei raised her eyebrows and showed a smug smile: "We Yaoxing are willing to pay 275.87 million to terminate the contract with your crew, and you can notify An Liuli to leave the crew now."

Although Li Yongmei felt sorry for so much money.

But think about it, no matter how distressed she is, she won't be able to get the money.

It's better to kill An Liuli like this, and see what she can do to turn her around.

When Li Yongmei graduated from university to work and followed An Liuli, she was full of jealousy towards this girl who was younger than herself.

Why is it that An Liuli just graduated from an ordinary film school, her academic qualifications are not as good as hers, but her monthly income is indeed ten or dozens of times that of hers.

And she, a high-achieving student who graduated from a prestigious university in business administration, could only be assigned as an assistant to such a young female star after joining Yaoxing.

Li Yongmei didn't know back then that the original intention of the company was to let her start from a low level, and after she understood the rules of the entire entertainment industry, she would be promoted to a brand manager.

But the strong jealousy and unwillingness made Li Yongmei take all her anger on An Liuli.

When she was working as an assistant for An Liuli, she cheated her in various ways, taking away An Liuli's clothes or leaving things behind from time to time.

It was even better later, she simply jumped to Wen Feiyan's side and colluded with An Liuli to frame An Liuli.

For so many years, Li Yongmei and An Liuli have become irreconcilable enemies.

So now, if she has the opportunity to completely suppress An Liuli, she must be the first one to make trouble and use any means.

"Okay." Bai Yu nodded, and opened the folder neatly: "Then please sign your company's representative here, affix the official seal, and pay the liquidated damages. Once the liquidated damages arrive in the account, my client, Ms. An Liuli, will pay the liquidated damages. Will leave the set immediately."

【The next chapter before 19:00】

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