In the evening, the Navy took the rhythm of the hype, and the hype involved the second young master of the Lu family of the dignified Royal Group. This matter immediately fermented from an ordinary entertainment event to a financial event.

Chen Shao, who was attending the World Summit of Outstanding Entrepreneurs in Europe, had just finished the summit and was surrounded by a large number of financial reporters when he came out of the venue.

Financial reporters from all over the world wanted to interview the youngest and wealthiest speaker in Huaguo who rarely attended the business summit in his personal capacity.

Chen Shao attended the World Outstanding Entrepreneur Summit on behalf of Hua Guo, but he did not attend the meeting as the speaker, but in his personal capacity.

Because in last year's global financial index, Huangting Group under Hua Guochen and Li Sheng Group under Li Junyu of S Country were neck and neck, and at the same time won the title of the world's best profitable institution.

The two kings are running side by side. Although Young Master Chen is much younger than Young Master Li, everyone wants to see what kind of sparks will be created when Young Master Chen meets Mr. Li.

Therefore, this summit was naturally surrounded by many reporters.

Originally, there were many financial reporters from various countries, but at this time, a team of entertainment journalists from China suddenly appeared.

A large number of flashlights and microphones came together, and a reporter in the crowd asked loudly: "Young Master Chen, Young Master Chen...can you tell me your opinion on the scandal between your second son, Yue Zheng, and the young domestic actress An Liuli! The Second Young Master was still so young, so he started spending money to protect the actress... For An Liuli, he even went so far as to become an enemy of Yaoxing Entertainment, spending 100 million to 'redemption' for the other party."

"Second Young Master is so extravagant, as a father, do you have anything to say? After you go back, will you control Second Young Master more because of this!?"

He had already accepted Wen Feiyan's entertainment newsletter, took the ticket money from Wen Feiyan, and flew to the other side of the world to hype up a big news.

Although netizens in Huaguo are very disgusted with Yaoxing and An Liuli's termination of the contract, but involving a child like Yue Zheng.

But in this world, news that goes against common sense is more gimmick and explosive.

Even if most of the domestic media are still very conscientious and unwilling to hype up children, there will still be unscrupulous media like the entertainment reporter who is asking this question now, because they have received money from certain people and wantonly hyped this matter.

The man who was about to get into the car, who was guarded by a group of bodyguards, stopped suddenly.

Combing back his black hair, Lu Yuchen, who revealed his sharp and handsome face, raised his brows sideways and looked at the reporter who asked the question.

When the man's black and cold phoenix eyes looked at the camera.

In an instant, all the reporters present felt an invisible coercion coming towards them.

Among them, the timid reporters couldn't help but their legs went weak, and they took several steps back.

And when they saw Lu Yuchen's handsome face up close, as if God had sculpted it flawlessly, several of the female reporters couldn't help holding their breath, and almost forgot to breathe.

Just when everyone was shocked, the man locked his sharp eyes on the face of the Yuji who asked the question.

He asked coldly: "You just said... Who is that kid Yuezheng against?"

"Ah..." Yu Ji, who was bought by Wen Feiyan, was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Young Master Chen to ask this.

But looking at the man's cold eyes, he replied subconsciously: "With Yaoxing Entertainment, the second young master is an enemy of Yaoxing Entertainment for An Liuli."

【The next chapter before 19:00】

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