"Ah Choo—"

As soon as she hung up the phone, An Liuli sneezed again.

She was finishing the phone call with Director Han, and was about to sign the contract and return to the crew to start work.

However, on the phone, Director Han told her not to go back in a hurry. It is best to familiarize herself with the new script at home, and report to the crew after a few days when things calm down.

Director Han did this to protect her.

Although the public now has doubts about Yaoxing Entertainment, they sympathize with An Liuli instead.

But she has had many black fans for so many years, and Wen Feiyan still has many diehard fans.

Recently, there have been inexplicably many unidentified young fans around the crew, and they are probably here for An Liuli.

"Those little fans are too pitiful. They are played around by Wen Feiyan and are still working hard for her."

Liu Yi, who had already resigned from Yaoxing, was currently in An Liuli's small apartment, helping her pack her things.

Wen Feiyan knew the address of their apartment. For her safety, An Liuli couldn't live here anymore.

But fortunately, An Liuli is also a little rich woman now.

Although it appeared that Zhengrong Group only paid 100 million yuan in liquidated damages for her, in fact, Zhengrong didn't take a single cent of the remaining 170 million yuan, and gave it all to An Liuli.

The only condition is that I hope that An Liuli can think about it and sign the brokerage contract with Zhengrong.

Of course, the signing bonus is calculated separately, and it has nothing to do with the 170 million.

Regardless of whether An Liuli agrees or not, Yaoxing will not take a single cent of the 270 million compensation that Zheng Rong paid to Zheng Rong.

After all, An Liuli was still filming "The Flower of Thorns", and there was no breach of contract between her and the crew.

An Liuli conveniently stuffed the things on the sofa into the box, "Yeah, Wen Feiyan is not good at acting, but she is top-notch in deceiving fans. I can only blame her, she is too good at disguising, and by this time, even children will complain about her." ...Ah Choo—”

Before he finished speaking, he sneezed again.

Liu Yi frowned: "I said Liuli, you don't have a cold, do you? I remember that you rarely caught a cold before. What's going on?"

After speaking, Liu Yi got up to look for medicine.

An Liuli waved her hands: "It's either a cold or an itchy nose."

After finishing speaking, there was another inexplicable 'Ah Choo'.

Liu Yi: "One sneeze is someone thinking, two sneezes is someone scolding, three sneezes is a real cold. You only sneezed once every time, I think you are being missed by others."

An Liuli buried her head with some guilt: "How can there be..."

As soon as the voice fell, the doorbell rang.

"It must be someone from the moving company." Liu Yi got up and went to open the door.

Taking advantage of her cousin not asking, An Liuli quickly rubbed her face to make her expression more natural.

She guessed that she kept sneezing because someone was thinking about her.


Because of the termination of the contract, she temporarily left the crew, but Yue Ze wanted to stay on the crew to film.


Yue Ze actually refused to let her leave, and coaxed her to live in the hotel, in the name of calming down and studying the script.

He can also help her sort out the plot.

But An Liuli knew that Yue Ze's so-called study of the script would always end up on the bed.

As for combing the plot, hehe... After combing and combing, she will immediately start taking off her clothes and unbuttoning her.

An Liuli had already 'thoroughly seen through' the actor's boyfriend who had no integrity.

Before she became an intimate partner, she never knew that Mr. Yue, who seemed serious, professional, dedicated and rigorous, was actually an unrestrained man.

Just when An Liuli was thinking about someone, she secretly pursed her mouth, suddenly there was a scream from outside the door that her cousin almost opened the roof.

"Ah, you—you are Koshizawa!"

[There will be another chapter later, I will as soon as possible]

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