An Liuli sat on the sofa with her knees hugged, watching Yue Ze finish clearing the rest of her luggage.

During this period, Liu Yi wanted to go up and help out several times, but was rejected by the male god Yue Ze.

Moreover, Liu Yi felt that that rejection look could freeze her fingertips numb.

She sneaked up to An Liuli, lowered her voice and said in a low voice, "Honestly speaking, did you cast a spell on the male god, or did you go to country T and beg for some little devil's witchcraft and gave it to others? Otherwise, how could he treat you?" Are you determined to be like this?

You don't even know, I just wanted to go over and give a hand, and your Yue Ze looked up at me, as if I was going to steal his baby! "


Liu Yi has always known that Yue Ze is cold, but she has never seen him look at her with that kind of cold and warning eyes.

What's more, when Mingming just entered the door, he was a gentleman and sincerely thanked him for taking care of Liuli.

In a blink of an eye, she was just rushing to help, but she was almost accidentally hurt by Yue Ze's eyes.

An Liuli listened to her cousin's words, and the smile on her small face became more charming: "It's okay, he likes to do it by himself, so you can let him do it. I don't feel sorry for you, why do you feel bad..."

Tsk tsk, Liu Yi shook her head.

It's not that Liuli doesn't feel distressed, she is simply complacent, proud of being favored.

No wonder Yue Ze would say that he spoiled her.

Looking at An Liuli's sparkling eyes and radiant little face, Liu Yi was really relieved.

It was as if, the suffering of these four years had not been in vain.

At least, I finally found someone who treats her Liuli well, is willing to take good care of her family's Liuli, and cherish her family's Liuli.


Liu Yi sniffed, why did she suddenly have the illusion that an old mother was going to marry her daughter.

"Okay." At this moment, a deep and magnetic voice sounded from behind.

It turned out that Koshizawa had already packed everything.

Liu Yi turned around and was about to thank her when she saw the tall man suddenly stepping forward.

Immediately afterwards, he grabbed An Liuli who was sitting on the sofa from Liu Yi's side.

Liu Yi: "..."

What, what does this mean?

Why does she feel that Yue Ze has a feeling that he is competing with her for favor!

No, she has to stay calm, she is Liuli's cousin, and everyone says that the elder sister is like a mother.

Although she is not a real sister, but the relationship with Liuli is like a real sister, she has to take good care of her sister.

Liu Yi said subconsciously: "Yue Ze, I didn't expect Liuli from our family to be with you. As you said, this girl is young and self-willed. If she doesn't do well in anything in the future and makes her temper, you Don't lose your temper with her. If you have anything to do, let her go. "

Cousin is of course my own good.

Even though the male god Yue Ze looked cold, Liu Yi still bit the bullet and spoke for her cousin.

Unexpectedly, after hearing her words, Yue Ze, who held An Liuli in his arms, raised his eyebrows.

"It's my home." He said coldly.

Liu Yi: "Huh?"

What's the situation, why can't she understand what Yue Ze is saying at all, and she looks like she doesn't answer the question.

The dark eyes of the man Mo Lan sank slightly, and he corrected again: "Liuli, it belongs to my family."

Liu Yi finally came to her senses: "..."

An Liuli with black lines all over her head: "..."

It wasn't until this time that the two of them suddenly understood the meaning of Yue Ze's words.

An Liuli wrapped her arms around his neck unhappily: "What's yours? I belong to my cousin... You're just a boyfriend now, the one who hasn't become a regular yet..."

Before finishing the last sentence, Yue Ze lowered his head and blocked An Liuli's bright red mouth.

He hates hearing his Liuli say that she is not his.

[The next chapter before 20:00]

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