Ah, very good.

In order to prevent himself from moving, Yue Ze directly bought the house in Lijing Garden and became the landlord.

As the new landlord, Yue Ze naturally refused to re-let the house.

Just like that, An Liuli was abducted by Yue Ze.

Lanwan Yayuan is a top luxury real estate developed in City A in recent years. All the real powerful families in City A have bought properties in Lanwan Yayuan.

The detached villa that Yue Ze lived in was right next door to the villa where Lu Yuchen and Yue Xinluo lived after their wedding.

But now, even if Xinluo returns to City A, she won't live here anymore. She followed Lu Yuchen back to the Lu family's old house, and the villa here has long been vacant.

Therefore, after An Liuli followed Yue Ze to the residence, she naturally did not alarm Yue Xin Luo who was far away in City B.

"The two of us live in such a big villa?"

After An Liuli followed Yue Ze to visit the villa, she suddenly had a headache.

This villa is very beautiful and beautiful. It is completely different from the extravagant and luxurious style of Wen's family. Instead, it is fully modernized.

The decoration style is simple and clear, with floor-to-ceiling glass on three sides, and sufficient lighting.

To be honest, An Liuli likes this modern style very much, it is not tiring to live in, and it is very relaxing.

You won't be overwhelmed by expensive and extravagant decorations and decorations like when you were in Wen's house.

But——the only problem is that the huge villa doesn't even have a single servant!

This is too abnormal.

"I don't like outsiders at home." Yue Ze approached suddenly, blocking An Liuli by the sofa.

After visiting the room, An Liuli was standing in the middle of the living room.

Being blocked by Yue Ze, he retreated subconsciously: "But you just said that those bodyguards are all from your own family, from your family."

There is no outsider in the family, and there are only the two of them in the huge villa. Does that mean that Yue Ze can do whatever he wants?

An Liuli suddenly felt her legs go limp.

Seeming to see what the little woman was thinking, Yue Ze took a step forward and said in a low voice: "Liuli, are you scared, huh? Actually... even if there are other people around, I can still do whatever I want. So, your worries , is too much to worry about."

"...Who says I'm worried, I won't..." An Liuli said toughly, and took another step back.

Unexpectedly, when her knees touched the edge of the sofa, her feet went limp, and she fell back directly.

The petite body fell into the wide sofa.

Before An Liuli could get up in time, the man's tall and stalwart figure pressed her up.

She heard Yue Ze's magnetic voice, and said in a low hoarse voice: "So, you like to be on the sofa..."

The tip of the ear trembled and was bitten by him.

There were only the two of them left in the huge villa at the moment, and the bodyguards left quickly after putting away their luggage.

And my cousin was called to Zhengrong Group by people from Yueze, saying that she wanted to negotiate a brokerage contract.

In this way, An Liuli was eaten to death by Yue Ze like a sheep in the mouth of a tiger.

She knew that it would be no good to move and live together. The man looked at her coldly with a look of wanting to eat people, like a very hungry wolf.

"You, calm down, it's still broad daylight..." The sun was shining outside, with floor-to-ceiling glass on three sides, and the mottled sunlight fell from the shadows of the trees, illuminating the villa brightly.

An Liuli didn't want to be photographed.

However, there is a man who has been living for a day and a night, and he can't wait any longer.

Yue Ze turned An Liuli over, and kissed the back of her fair and delicate neck with thin lips.

"Hmm..." An Liuli felt a pang in her heart, and couldn't help moaning.

And Yue Ze took advantage of her sloppy mind, bit the zipper on the back of the one-piece dress with her teeth, and went down...

The snow-white and smooth back is exposed under the man's deep blue eyes.

His glass is so beautiful.

【The next chapter before 19:40】

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