Great Literature recommends reading to all book lovers: Time and You Are Lingering Together Chapter 144 Open House

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Wen Feiyan wanted to harm her... In fact, Xie Fangyu didn't need to tell her about it, An Liuli could have guessed it.

Based on An Liuli's understanding of Wen Feiyan over the years, this high-ranking young lady has been unhappy with her since the moment she followed Xie Fangyu to Wen's house.

From then on, if you see what she has, you will grab it, and if you see her good, you will take it away.

Even if the Wen family suffered a huge loss this time, it was because of Wen Feiyan's own stupidity, and because the Wen family had done many unrighteous acts in the past.

But Wen Feiyan would never think that it was her own problem, she would only blame her and ask her to settle the score.

Therefore, An Liuli was not surprised that Wen Feiyan wanted to make trouble for herself.

What surprised her was Xie Fangyu's attitude.

"What do you want to say? Wen Feiyan is Wen Yancheng's precious daughter, your good stepdaughter, you have been married to the Wen family for so many years, but you have never said a bad word about her."

An Liuli sat back unconsciously.

Xie Fangyu like this really made her so curious.

"Yes, I never said a bad word about her, but I can't watch her hurt you. Liuli, that's why mom asked you here. They don't know about your relationship with Yue Ze. Ze's hotel, I'm not worried that you will be tricked by her."

"What's the meaning?"

Xie Fangyu's words, there are too many strange things.

Xie Fangyu: "It's a long story, and it starts with Wen Feiyan mobilizing 270 million yuan in compensation from the Wen family's family fund...Come on, I'm hungry, you can eat something with me, let's talk chat."


Time passed slowly, Xie Fangyu was really weird tonight, pulling An Liuli and talking about it, but she always seemed to miss the point.

An Liuli has always been wary of her.

Although Yue Ze had greeted the hotel in advance, when she came in, the lobby manager who led her over had told her that they had received the young master's order and would carefully observe and protect her in the dark.

But An Liuli was still very vigilant and didn't take a bite of anything.

Except for the coffee that the manager agreed to send someone to bring it to her, she didn't take a sip.

"Liu Li, you don't even want to eat with your mother now?" Seeing that the meal in front of An Liuli didn't move, Xie Fangyu said in an aggrieved tone.

An Liuli hooked her lips: "Female stars keep in shape, I just drink coffee..."

Before she could say the last word "Yi", An Liuli suddenly felt her head sink.

Xie Fangyu in front of her eyes gradually became blurred.

"You..." Impossible, she never ate a single bite from the beginning to the end.

This coffee was served by people from Yue Ze, so there should be no problem.

"Silly boy, I'm your mother, can't you see how you're guarding against me? Drugs can't only be taken from your diet. When I pulled you just now, I had already had contact with your skin. This is a new kind of medicine, and you will learn a lot from it, so you must be careful when you are alone in the future."

Saying that, Xie Fangyu got up suddenly and walked to An Liuli.

She deliberately raised her voice and said, "Daughter, daughter What's wrong with you?"

Sure enough, as Xie Fangyu expected, she just called a few words, and the head waiter of the coffee shop and the manager of the hotel all came over.

"Ma'am, what happened?"

Xie Fangyu hurriedly supported An Liuli, who was on the verge of falling, and was already unconscious: "My daughter, she is not feeling well... Please open a room for me, thank you."

[The next chapter before 20:00]

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