
An Liulixiang's soft body was embedded in Yue Ze's arms, and she actively grabbed his shoulders.

The man's originally cold eyes, when he heard the little woman's squeamish whispers, turned into dark blue lake water.

The big palm clasps her slender waist, and the other hand rests on the woman's delicate tun, Yue Ze prevents her from slipping down.

"I'm here." He whispered.

"Well, I know...I'm hiding behind the sofa, I'm afraid it's not you...Fortunately, it's you."

An Liuli's mind seemed to be a little confused, and she couldn't connect her speech intermittently, but she could hear it when she listened carefully. Even at this time, she knew him.

After Xie Fangyu left, An Liuli endured the trembling all over, and left the big bed to hide.

Afraid that the person who came in was not Yue Ze, she turned off the light on purpose, trying to hide in the bathroom and lock the bathroom door.

It's a pity that it took her a lot of effort to turn off the lights. As soon as she reached the sofa, her legs gave way and her whole body went limp.


Yue Ze came faster than she expected.

Fortunately, when the door was opened, she saw the vague figure in the darkness, and immediately recognized that it was her boyfriend.

After hearing Xie Fangyu's words, An Liuli knew that Yue Ze would come to save her.

But even so, I was still scared after all.

Her breathing continued more and more, and her skin became hotter and hotter. She was afraid that if someone else came in, she would...

"Fortunately it's you, fortunately..." An Liuli buried her head in Yue Ze's shoulder, her breath was filled with the familiar cool smell of a man.

Such peace of mind and fascination for her.

Never for a moment did An Liuli feel that she was so fragile.

And never let her want Yue Ze like this for a moment.

The beloved woman flung herself into his arms, still dawdling unconsciously in his arms, and even her coquettish voice was softer and more seductive than usual.

This kind of glass, teasing him, already made the man's breath short and his lower abdomen hard.

However, An Liuli, who had been drugged, was still restless: "Help me... um... uncomfortable..."

"..." Yue Ze's eyes were getting darker, he put his slightly rough hands under her tun, and couldn't help but want to knead her.

"Hey, I'll take you out first."

This room has sneak-camera equipment. Although Yue Ze doesn't mind disclosing it with An Liuli, he doesn't want to be someone else's ornament.

What's more, this room will be useful for later.

Didn't the Wen family want to design his woman? That's just right, let the young lady of the Wen family reap the consequences.

Yue Ze lifted An Liuli up and hugged her even tighter with one hand.

But An Liuli still didn't know Yue Ze's plan, she wrapped her arms around his neck, her legs unconsciously clamped his waist, she still rubbed against his body, and burrowed hard into his arms.

The woman's slender pupils were already wet with tears, filled with mist.

Yue Ze bowed his head and pecked at the kiss, "Don't worry, I'll give it to you later."

God knows that when he said this, his lower abdomen tightened, his upper arm muscles exploded, his voice was low and hoarse, how much self-control it took to control the urge to press her behind the door and love her.

The man's cold blue eyes were filled with scorching flames.

He opened the door of the room with one hand, and went out holding the restless little woman on top of him.

As soon as the door was opened, he saw his subordinate carrying an unconscious woman coming from the other end of the corridor.

The general manager of the hotel quickly reported: "Shaodong, Wen Feiyan has already been knocked out and brought down. You guessed it right, there are 10 rooms on the 22nd floor, all of which were taken by or with the Wen family not long ago. Someone related has lived there, and we have already found a hidden camera in the room. Room 2309 happened to have a receiver, and when we entered, Wen Feiyan hadn't had time to turn it on, so she probably didn't read the contents inside."

[The next chapter before 20:00]

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