
"Yanyan..." Suddenly seeing the person waiting for her outside the door, Qiao Muer was slightly surprised.

She and Yanyan have been in the same school for many years, and it is still difficult for Yanyan to wait for her at the door of the classroom.

Qiao Muer: "Why did you come here?"

Even if you have to wait for her, you should wait in the car.

"No, I'll come and see you." Lu Yan casually glanced around, but didn't see the expected figure, feeling a little bored.

Qiao Mu'er always felt that Lu Yan looked weird, but she couldn't say exactly what was weird.

She could only follow Lu Yan to the school gate.

When she got to the side of the car, she suddenly heard a voice - "It's Yue Zheng."

Qiao Muer turned her head and looked blankly at Lu Yan who suddenly asked her: "What?"

Lu Yan stood behind Qiao Muer, with a faint smile: "I said, where is Yue Zheng? He sent you off this morning, didn't he tell you when to pick him up?"

Qiao Muer: " can we agree on this, the driver will come after school."

"Really?" Lu Yan's peach eyes were bright, but it was hard to see, "I thought he would make an appointment with you."

After finishing speaking, Lu Yan acted as if nothing happened, and urged Qiao Muer to get in the car quickly, making Qiao Muer confused.

She didn't understand why Lu Yan mentioned Yue Zheng, but she couldn't ask, so she got into the car without saying a word.

Back at Lu's house, put down her schoolbag, changed into clothes and went downstairs for dinner.

At the dining table, Yue Zheng was not there.

Seeing this situation, Qiao Muer couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Mu'er, come here quickly, dinner is ready." The godmother Yue Xinluo urged her, and she sat down obediently.

In fact, only Yue Xinluo, Qiao Muer, and Lu Yan ate this dinner. Lu Yuchen was still at the company and did not come home, and Yue Zheng didn't know where to go.

When she was almost done eating, Lu Yan suddenly said, her tone was a bit more cunning than usual: "Mummy, do you know? Our Mu'er is at school, and there are many boys who like it."

What? !

Qiao Muer was so confused that she almost poked her chopsticks in the face.

She didn't even know when many boys liked her.

But this topic immediately attracted Yue Xinluo's attention.

Xiao Mu'er is her future daughter-in-law, so she cannot be snatched away by other boys!

Xin Luo hurriedly urged the younger daughter: "Yanyan, please explain clearly, what kind of boy likes Mu'er, what kind of family conditions, how does he look like, and is his personality good?"

Yue Xinluo was particularly worried that his eldest son would be too cold and harsh, which would frighten Mu'er.

Ever since she was a child, she just felt that Mu'er was afraid of Youyou, but she didn't get particularly close.

It was okay when I was a child. At that time, Mu'er was more willful and coquettish, and would be naughty with Youyou.

But ever since the two became adults, the relationship has become more rigid. When they met, they hardly said a word except for nodding and saying hello.

Mu'er is so good, what if she is cheated by other bad boys.

"There are a lot of boys who like Mu'er. I went to Mu'er's class today to look for her. After school, I saw several boys peeping at her from the window. They are just a little stupid, with gifts, love letters and the like in their hands. Stuff. In this age, there are still people giving this kind of stuff.”

Yue Xinluo shook his head disapprovingly: "Gifts and love letters are the sharpest tools for chasing girls. Girls of this age are the most difficult to resist. How romantic."

Thinking of this, she quickly said to Qiao Muer: "But Muer, you can't be tempted. These boys are not as good as our family, you have to be firm!"

As if to cheer Qiao Muer up, Yue Xinluo stretched out his right hand and clenched a fist by his ear, making Qiao Muer dumbfounded.

"Second Young Master, why didn't you go in when you came back?" At this moment, Mama Zhang's voice came from outside the restaurant door.

【The next chapter around 20:20】

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