"Here, it hurts so much." Qiao Mu'er covered her head, but she didn't realize that there was a trace of anxiety, helplessness and tenderness in Yue Zheng's voice.

His big palm raised her teary little face, and the temperature of his fingertips was frighteningly hot.

"Hey, take it away and let me see." Yue Zheng subconsciously coaxed Qiao Mu'er, covering her forehead with her hands so that he could not see her injury clearly.

Qiao Muer's apricot eyes were wet, and the dark eyeballs were soaked with tears.

At first, he only noticed his own injury, until his jaw was raised by Yue Zheng, and he heard his magnetic and pleasant voice, and then he suddenly realized what they were doing now.

Plop, plop, plop...

The heart beats as fast as it is about to pop out of the chest.

Qiao Mu'er subconsciously covered her heart, revealing the bump on her forehead.

Seeing her forehead bulge high, Yue Zheng's eyes darkened, and his fingertips lightly touched her wound: "Idiot, I hit such a big bag."

There was reproach in his serious and indifferent voice, but the big hand covering Qiao Muer's head was obviously lighter.

"..." Qiao Muer didn't understand why she was so cowardly.

He was usually eloquent, but after being trained by Yue Zheng, he could only press his lower lip and dare not speak.

"When you go to bed tonight, don't hug big dolls, don't stomp around... You, be careful."

Hey, how did he know that when she was sleeping at night, she liked to cuddle with big dolls and groan?

"Sit down first, I'll get you some ice..."

"No need, I'm fine." Qiao Muer subconsciously grabbed Yue Zheng who was about to let go.

She doesn't know why, but... she just feels that it's so rare that it's getting better now, as if she's back to An An, who would give her medicine and love her and take care of her when she was a child.

She... is very reluctant.

Yue Zheng frowned, and was about to let her go, when he heard Qiao Muer's surprised voice.

"An'an...you, the corner of your mouth..."

Qiao Muer was shy just now,

He didn't dare to look at Yue Zheng squarely.

Until now, she raised her eyes and wanted to stop Yue Zheng, only to find that the corners of Yue Zheng's lips were covered with blood.

"Under the corner of your lips...it seems to be broken by me...bleeding..."

She looked at the wound on the corner of his lips with guilt and distress in her heart.

It must have been when she stood up just now, her forehead hit his jaw, causing him to bite the corner of her mouth.

Feeling guilty, Qiao Muer raised her eyes to look at Yue Zheng's eyes, wanting to apologize to him solemnly.

Unexpectedly, when he looked up, he happened to meet a pair of cold and deep blue pupils that shone with a burning and dark light.

"Yue Zheng..."

Qiao Muer yelled suspiciously, not understanding why Yue Zheng looked at her like that.

This look is too strong, too aggressive.

This is different from Yuezheng's usual cold and indifferent look, which is enough to make her flustered and her heartbeat stall.

"It's not Yue Zheng..."

The man suddenly spoke, his voice was low and hoarse, with a completely different sexy magnetism from his usual speaking.

"Mu'er, what did you call me just now, huh?"

"I..." Qiao Muer was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly remembered the name she called the exit just now when she was in a hurry.

She... called him, An An?

"I'm sorry." She lowered her head, not daring to meet those blue eyes again.

The girl's small face was burning red, and her whole face began to feel hot, "I didn't mean it... I won't do it in the future."

Qiao Muer still remembered that Yue Zheng said that that was his name when he was a child, and now he hates being called An An.

However, as soon as she said "I won't do it in the future", her small and delicate chin was pinched by the man's slender white fingers and lifted up.

"Why not? You used to call me Brother An An."

【The next chapter around 19:20】

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