The genius remembered the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements! I have to say that Yue Zheng's threat almost hit Qiao Mu'er's seven inches.

He ruthlessly pinched the girl's weakness, making her dare not resist at all.

Yue Zheng is right.

He didn't believe that Qiao Mu'er would file a complaint at all, and she really didn't dare to take this step.

That's right, how dare she tell her godmother who always loved her that she not only failed her godmother's love and betrayed Lu Qilin, she even had a relationship with Yue Zheng!

And Daddy, Mommy... Although Qiao Muer is willful, she also knows how big a scandal this kind of thing is to Qiao and Lu.

What a blow to the deep friendship between their parents.

In an instant, Qiao Muer showed a bit of timidity.

She raised her red almond eyes, and looked at Yue Zheng pleadingly: " can't say it."

"Of course." The man hooked his lips and smiled coldly.

However, the slender fingers moved down along her lips, and gently caressed her neck covered with hickeys.

"As long as you remember, you are mine from now on, don't mention Lu Qilin in front of me again. Mu'er, I promise, I will keep the secret for you."

Do you hate Brother Yuyou that much?

Qiao Muer's apricot eyes trembled slightly, and she almost asked what was in her heart.

But she immediately thought that Yue Zheng hated hearing Brother Youyou's name, and immediately swallowed the words that came to her lips.

The girl nodded tremblingly and said, "Okay, I will remember."

"Good girl." Satisfied, Yue Zheng caressed her face with his big palm.

Before Qiao Mu'er was used to such intimate contact and wanted to avoid it, the man's big hand suddenly touched the girl's fragrant shoulder, pushing her back down.

"Ah..." Qiao Muer lay back on the big bed, and let out a soft breath uncontrollably.

Then, before he had time to support himself up, Yue Zheng's tall body was already under heavy pressure.

The thin quilt that was still covering her heart just now has been torn off at some point.

The man lowered his head and buried his head between her snow-white neck, deepening the red hickey mark that had been branded before.

"Yue Zheng, what are you doing..."

It didn't just end, why did it start again?

Qiao Mu'er was in a daze, she didn't understand how things turned out like this.

"Brother An An..." The man's hoarse voice came from her chest.

He warned in a cold voice: "When it's just the two of us, if you make a mistake, you will be punished."


Qiao Muer's body trembled slightly after being kissed by him.

He didn't understand that Yue Zheng pressed her down like this, and kissed her neck.

It made her whole body feel numb, and her whole heart seemed to be passed by an electric current. What kind of punishment is it?

"Fool..." Knowing that Qiao Mu'er had just woken up and was still unclear about her physical condition, Yue Zheng answered her lazily and playfully.

"The neck, collarbone, heart, waist, abdomen, back... even the legs are all imprints I left. Mu'er... tell me, what will you do if people see these hickey marks? In this way, count Not really a punishment for you, huh?"

Qiao Muer's brain exploded with a bang.

After she woke up, she didn't even have time to look at her own body.

What's more, except for the dim wall lamp at the entrance, the room is completely dark.

In addition, she has never been so intimate with the opposite sex before.

I didn't know that hickeys were made in this way.

It turned out that when she was a child, she often accidentally saw the strawberries on Mummy's neck and chest. Did Daddy nibble and kiss them like this?

At this moment, the girl wants to cry but has no tears.

She protested in tears: "Yue are a big villain! How can I see people if you stamp my body!"

【The update is complete, see you tomorrow night~】

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