
Qiao Muer was forcibly locked in Yue Zheng's arms.

She kept her head down, wishing she could bury her little face in Yuezheng's chest.

It's not to get close to him, nor to show intimacy, but she really can't afford to lose this man.

After all, she is also the eldest daughter of the Qiao family, and Lu Qilin's future fiancée.

Although few of the people present had the chance to meet her, let alone Lu Qilin... But even so, Qiao Muer still felt embarrassed.

She knew very well that the intimacy between her and Yue Zheng at this moment was not like ordinary friends at all, it had already surpassed the ordinary relationship.

"That girl is so beautiful, she looks delicate and soft, leaning against the boss's arms is like made of water..."

The voice of others came, full of envy.

It was bitter to Qiao Muer's ears.

Where did she want to rely on Yuezheng, she still wanted to go by herself.

But just now she was bullied by Yue Zheng upstairs, Qiao Muer, who experienced this kind of thing for the first time, has no strength in her body, and her legs are so weak.

The center of the leg was even sore and swollen because of Yue Zheng's strength.

As soon as the soles of my feet stepped on the ground, my legs trembled uncontrollably, and I couldn't walk in a normal posture at all, let alone move freely in high heels.

Because of this, she couldn't hide from Yue Zheng hugging her.

He gets close and kisses her, but she can't hide.

He could only let him bully her, let him hold her in his arms, and be brought to the banquet by him in such an undisguised manner.

Qiao Mu'er didn't know what Yue Zheng wanted to do.

"Hey, dance with me." Yue Zheng let go of her big hand around her waist, but grabbed her little hand again.

Under Qiao Muer's slightly surprised gaze, he led her into the dance floor.

The music started, and all eyes were on the center of the dance floor.

When Qiao Muer let go of the hand around her waist from Yue Zheng, she realized that she was a little unsteady.

After the dance music played, Yue Zheng held her, but the hand on her waist was only a virtual support, not exerting any strength.

Qiao Mu'er had no support point, her legs were sore and swollen, she stepped on the high heels, wrapped in a slim long skirt, and couldn't move an inch.

"Hmm..." Qiao Muer whispered when Yue Zheng took a step back.

Her body leaned forward uncontrollably, and finally her center of gravity couldn't be supported anymore, and she fell into Yue Zheng's arms in full view of everyone.

Both hands naturally clasped his arms, and the whole small face was pressed against his chest.

Yue Zheng caught her firmly, and a smile appeared on his thin and cool lips: "Mu'er, everyone can see... this is, you initiated it."

After saying that, the man clasped the girl's waist again with his big palm. This time, he didn't let go.

Instead, he pulled her body closer, so that her delicate body was tightly pressed against him without any gaps.

So intimate, so affectionate.

Outsiders don't know the identity of this young girl, but they can feel that the BOSS, who has never been close to women and has never been rumored, is completely different from her.

And Meng Fang, standing outside the dance floor, has lost his sight.

My second young master, what are you doing here.

This Miss Mu'er... But, she is your future sister-in-law.

You are so close, what will the young master do in the future?

"Assistant Meng, do you know who that girl is? She looks so dignified and virtuous. Which family is she from?"

As soon as Meng Fang stopped there, gossip colleagues came over to inquire immediately.

Seeing that Qiao Muer was wearing a very ladylike pearl white lace dress, she looked dignified and virtuous, and they all speculated about her identity.

These people have guessed all the ladies and ladies who are famous for their virtuousness, quietness, and dignity, who are from prominent families in the upper class of Huaguo, who are similar in age.

But even though no one equated this conservative and dignified female companion with the rumored willful and savage young lady of the Qiao family.

【The next chapter around 19:40】

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