Qiao Muer was extremely nervous.

She and Yue Zheng went back so late and were so close, which could easily arouse the suspicion of the godmother Yue Xinluo.

She didn't know why Yue Zheng did this.

Why do you hold her and refuse to let go.

"Yue Zheng, let me down... This is the Lu family." She was hugged by Yue Zheng and got out of the car, and she was about to go to another villa.

There was an abnormal blush on her small face, because of embarrassment and nervousness.

However, Yue Zheng hugged her petite body, kept walking, and the big hands around her waist tightened even after she resisted.

Those deep blue eyes glanced at her lightly, then raised them again, and looked forward calmly.

Compared with Qiao Muer's flustered and shy, Yue Zheng was expressionless, very calm and open.

What on earth does he want!

Seeing that Yue Zheng had carried her into the porch, Mama Zhang who came to open the door showed a surprised expression and asked what was going on.

But this man didn't answer, just hugged her and continued to walk in.

"Yuezheng, let me down..." Qiao Muer's small hands tightly grabbed Yuezheng's collar, her hands were trembling, and her palms were sweating.

The soft and fluffy black hair seemed to dance in mid-air with Yue Zheng's non-stop movements.

"An'an, Muer...what's going on?" Yue Xinluo's voice came from the stairs, interrupting Qiao Muer's unfinished stop.

The girl already had a small red face, but now it was completely flushed, she closed her eyes in despair, and subconsciously hid her small face in Yue Zheng's arms.

It's hard to be ashamed... I don't dare to face my godmother who has always taken care of and loved me.

And Yue Xinluo, who was standing at the top of the stairs, was wearing a moon-white silk nightgown, with long hair scattered behind his shoulders, and a strange blush on his face.

It's just that she stands tall, so if you don't pay attention, you won't notice that her peach eyes are shining, her red lips are slightly swollen, and her cheeks are still flushed abnormally.

"Mu'er mistook champagne for a drink at the banquet and got drunk." Yue Zheng stood at the bottom of the stairs, raised his indifferent blue eyes, and said to Yue Xinluo on the stairs without changing his face.

"She said she was dizzy and couldn't walk, so I carried her back... Now that she's home, I'll let her down."

Yue Zheng's tone was low and cold, and after he finished speaking, he bent down, making a gesture to put Qiao Mu'er down from his arms.

Xin Luo, who was standing at the stairs on the second floor, hurriedly stopped her: "Don't let her go by herself. Mu'er has not been allowed to drink alcohol since she was a child. Whenever she drinks alcohol, her face turns red, and she will be dizzy if she drinks too much. She must be uncomfortable now, and she won't be able to leave. Lu, quickly carry her upstairs and send her back to her room."

There are only a few big men in the family who can hold Qiao Muer.

Lu Yuchen...don't dare to count on it.

When she heard the movement just now, she forced herself to get up from the bed, put on her nightgown, and ran out. She was afraid that the man was still sulking in the room.

Among the rest of the people, only Yue Zheng is the most suitable to carry Mu'er back to the room.

Xin Luo was afraid that his son would not like Mu'er. After all, no one knows a child like a mother. Ever since Yue Zheng returned from abroad, his dislike for Mu'er has been written all over his face.

She didn't understand why An An, who was at most cold and vicious towards Mu'er when she was a child, became like an enemy when she grew up.

But now, I can't control that much.

Fearing that Yue Zheng would put Mu'er down, he didn't want to continue to carry her up, Xin Luo even tried to 'trick' her.

"Hurry up, Mu'er must be uncomfortable when she's drunk, take her back to her room to rest quickly. At worst, Mommy promises you, I won't force you to go shopping with me tomorrow."

Just like that, under Xin Luo's 'coordination', Qiao Mu'er was carried back to the room by Yue Zheng right under her nose.

As soon as the figure of Yue Zheng holding Qiao Muer disappeared, Yue Xinluo was hugged by a pair of strong and powerful hands.

The woman who was caught back to the bedroom and thrown on the bed could no longer meddle in the outside affairs.

【The next chapter around 19:10】

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