Genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements! Qiao Muer was patted on the shoulder by Yang Tao, and when she heard the word 'fiance', her beautiful almond eyes shrank subconsciously one time.

In her consciousness since she was a child, the word fiance means Lu Qilin, not another person that Taozi and the others thought.

Therefore, when Tao Zi called out the word "fiancé", Qiao Muer's heart was instantly overwhelmed by the chaotic emotions of guilt, guilt, and not knowing how to deal with it.

When Yang Tao's brisk pace gradually ran away, Qiao Mu'er pressed her lower lip uneasily, and turned around slowly.

The girl raised her eyes, her slightly trembling almond eyes were filled with determination—no matter what, she would confess to Brother Youyou today!

Yue Zheng can just walk away.

However, she couldn't cheat anymore.

Be honest about everything, feel free to deal with brother Youyou.

The girl looked towards the door with determination.

However, when she raised her head with difficulty, what caught her eyes was the familiar slender, tall and thin figure of the man.

Yue Zheng was leaning against the door frame just like that, with deep blue eyes under the black hair, a straight nose, and sexy thin lips that turned up slightly.

That naturally cool handsome face actually revealed a playful and doting smile, and the cold and icy blue eyes fell on her face for a moment.

The moment Qiao Muer looked up and saw him, Qiao Muer's heart trembled suddenly.

Afterwards, the whole heart seemed to be grabbed by an invisible big hand, and the pain was satisfying.

The feeling of sadness that filled the whole day disappeared.

My heart was filled with an invisible emotion.

" could..." She subconsciously stood up and looked at the man leaning against the door.

The moment he opened his mouth, hot tears burst out of his eyes without warning.

When Qiao Muer found herself crying, it was too late to cover it up.

Crystal clear teardrops rolled down from the moist eye sockets.

She hastily reached out to wipe it off, tilting her head to avoid Yue Zheng's cold and focused gaze, not wanting to be seen by him crying.

She didn't want to be disappointed, she just saw him appear without warning, why did she cry so disappointingly.

However, the more Qiao Muer thought about it, the more tears fell.

Even though she tried her best to control her emotions, the more she tried to control her tears, the more she burst into tears.

In the end, Qiao Mu'er could only cover her face with her hands, bury her face in her palms, bit her lips and sob silently, in order to cover up her surging tears.

"Fool, I'm crying right now..." At some point, Yue Zheng came to her with his eyebrows lightly frowned.

The man's blue cold eyes fell on the top of her soft black hair, and his tone of voice was full of helplessness and pampering.

He stretched out his slender and fair fingers, and gently lifted the girl's hair that was hanging on the side of her face.

Then he took off her small hand that was in front of her, held up the tear-stained blushing face, lowered his head, and kissed her face lightly.

The man's slightly cool thin lips first lightly covered the corners of her eyes, cheeks, and lips, gently kissing away those bitter tears.

Then, it landed on the small mouth that was slightly red and swollen from her own bite, and even soaked in some blood.

Yue Zheng's kiss was light and soft, with a sense of care and comfort.

His thin lips covered the girl's pink and tender lips, and he patiently rolled his mouth to kiss her, wetting her lips little by little, and then slowly pried open her tightly closed white teeth.

Qiao Muer's breathing was messed up, her mind went blank, and she could only passively exchange breaths with each other.

The moment Yue Zheng approached suddenly and called her a fool, she was already in a daze.

Not to mention later, when Dang Yuezheng held her face in his hands, he kissed away the remaining tears on her face with such a gentle gesture as if treating a treasure.

From that moment on, the grievance left in Qiao Muer's heart seemed to be wiped away by a silent power.

His kiss was soft and cherished, as if it had magic power, making her sink into it as much as she wanted.

【The next chapter around 19:10】

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