
Time flies like a white horse, and it is fleeting.

In the blink of an eye, Yue Zheng has been back to China for more than a month.

It's strange to say that when Yue Xinluo left, he clearly said that he would only go for a few days, but he didn't know what happened in City Y.

A month passed, no matter whether it was godmother Xinluo, Yanyan, or Lu Yuchen, no one from the Lu family came back.

There is no one else, Yue Zheng is the most honorable owner of this Lu family mansion.

What he says is what he says.

No one would ask why the Second Young Master came back when he had just left.

Yue Zheng forbade the servants here to tell Mr. and Mrs. the truth that he didn't leave and turned back, but no one there dared to tell.

Zhang Ma and other old servants followed Yue Xinluo to take care of them, and the rest were ordinary servants, and no one dared to say a word.

The big guys only know that the second young master of the Lu family is surly and indifferent, with a bad personality.

She always seems to be very impatient with Ms. Qiao, who lives in Lu's house, and acts very disgusted.

However, even so, probably for the sake of the relationship between Lu Qiao and his family, at most they would just say they were disgusted, and they would still pick up Miss Qiao to and from school every day, and even spare time to make up lessons for Miss Qiao who was about to take the college entrance examination.

From this point of view, at least the second young master is not too bad for this future sister-in-law.


On a summer evening, in Qiao Muer's room.

"Well... how long will it take for you..." the girl whispered coquettishly.

Although she tried her best to bear it, she would always unconsciously make strange noises subconsciously.

Qiao Mu'er was already trying her best to endure, but whenever Yue Ze's slender, white fingers rubbed against her waist, she would uncontrollably make strange noises like a cat.

Obviously I have told Yue Zheng many times, don't do this, she is the most ticklish.

But Yuezheng wanted to play tricks on purpose.

The more she bit her lower lip and trembled slightly, unwilling to call out that embarrassing light, the more he liked to tease her like this.

However, only one month has passed, and Qiao Muer's pink cheeks have slowly lost their childishness, becoming more and more juicy.

The round almond eyes that were originally very similar to Su Qing, the end of the eyes has a slight tendency to be raised, a little less cute, a little more charming, a little bit more like Han Dan's phoenix eyes.

Whenever she was bullied by Yue Zheng, her eyes would be unconsciously stained with mist.

But Qiao Muer herself didn't know how tempting and criminal she was like this.

"I've lost weight recently, lost so much weight, huh?"

Yue Zheng's big palm clasped around her waist rubbed up and down, and the delicate touch under the palm was as usual.

But the obviously thinner waist made him frown dissatisfied.

Yue Zheng's voice has completely deviated from the childishness of a teenager, but it is not the thick and rough of a mature man. His voice is somewhere in between, lazy and magnetic.

He was sitting on the couch in Qiao Muer's room right now, holding Qiao Muer on his lap, letting her petite body hang limply on him.

"I haven't lost weight, but I'm about to take the college entrance examination. I'm under a lot of pressure recently." When Qiao Muer said this, her voice was muffled.

She is under a lot of pressure, of course it is!

In addition to coping with her heavy studies, she also had to deal with this insatiable man in front of her.

What's more, she always wanted to find a chance to make things clear with Brother Youyou.

This kind of thing is not suitable for talking on the phone.

No matter what, she also wanted to meet, explain and apologize to brother Youyou in person.

It's good to get his forgiveness, but she deserves it if she can't.

But no matter what, you must apologize in person, and then listen to brother Youyou's opinion and see how he wants to deal with it.

But Qiao Muer waited and waited and waited... It seems that the college entrance examination is only a few days away, not to mention that Lu Qilin hasn't come back, even Xinluo's godmother has also disappeared.

【The next chapter around 20:30】

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