Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 48: One Cut and Two Breaks with the Lu Family

During the three-day exam, Qiao Muer was in extremely good condition.

Because of Qiao Mohan and Su Qing's return to China, Qiao Muer has moved from Lu's house to Qiao's house in the past few days.

Except for the "Come on" heard by Yue Zheng when he was hugged by Yue Zheng outside the entrance of the examination room on the first day of the college entrance examination, he never had any chance to see Yue Zheng after that.

Fortunately, after Qiao Muer got Yue Zheng's "Come on", she devoted all her heart to the exam and had nothing else to do.

Her performance in the examination room was extremely stable. Although the results were not released at the end of the examination, she performed exceptionally well for a pair of answers.

With such a result, it is no problem to be admitted to the best universities in the country.

After checking the answers in the room, Qiao Muer happily went downstairs, ready to tell Daddy and Mommy the good news.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they went downstairs, they heard Qiao Mohan and Su Qing seem to be arguing.

Ever since Mommy was hurt by Daddy and took her and Allen away, and was finally chased back by Daddy, there has never been any dispute between the two.

No matter what happens, whether it's a big company problem or a trivial matter in life, Daddy has always let Mommy go, and will never quarrel with her.

At most, I saw in the newspaper that when Mommy was out filming, she was chased by a handsome international actor, so angry that she carried Mommy back to the set and locked her in a room for 'punishment'.

"Daddy, Mommy, what are you arguing about?" Qiao Muer went down the stairs, she was wearing lotus pink short sleeves and white shorts.

The summer sun shone in from large expanses of floor-to-ceiling windows, making her fair and moist skin even more dazzling.

"It's nothing, Mommy is talking about business with your father." Su Qing turned her head the moment she heard Qiao Muer's voice, and forced a smile.

When she laughed, almond eyes flickered in the pear dimple.

It seemed to be the same as usual, but Qiao Muer didn't know if she had made a mistake. She always felt that when Mummy's eyes flickered, she seemed to be hiding a guilty conscience.

Hearing Su Qing's words, Qiao Mohan, who was standing behind her, remained silent.

But the slightly furrowed eyebrows and the dark and deep eyes revealed his unhappiness at the moment.

"Alright, Mu'er, go upstairs and get ready again, and change your clothes. We have agreed with the Lu family to have dinner together tonight. Hurry up, your godmother will be waiting later and misses you."

Hearing the word 'Lu Family', Qiao Muer's almond eyes that were originally full of doubts lit up instantly.

"Godmother is back?"

Being able to go to Lu's house means that we can see Yue Zheng again.

Su Qing nodded: "Well, your godmother treats you to dinner tonight to celebrate your college entrance examination."

Qiao Muer didn't notice the reluctance in Su Qing's smile, she put all her heart on Yue Zheng, and ran and jumped upstairs.

Seeing her daughter's brisk figure disappearing at the top of the stairs, the smile on Su Qing's lips froze a little bit.

"Qingqing, why did you let Mu'er go to the Lu family? The Lu family has gone too far this time, that kid Lu Qilin... we should break up with the Lu family." Qiao Mohan's angry voice came from behind Su Qing. .

The man's deep and magnetic voice was clearly suppressing his anger.

Su Qing turned her head and glanced at him, "I know you love your daughter, so you can't blame Youyou for this kind of thing. Besides, you are willing to make a clean break with Master Lu, and I am also reluctant to make a clean break with Xin Luo.

Qiao Mohan, don't be angry, we should all know that the Lu family doesn't want this kind of thing... Xinluo has been very angry these days, if it weren't for the fact that there was nothing she could do. Anyway, let's go there first, the two families sit down and have a good talk, and then we can think of a way. "

【The next chapter around 19:10】

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