Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 51 You are very happy to marry An An, aren't you?


Qiao Muer didn't know what kind of mood she was in after listening to Godmother Xinluo's words.

Her emotions were surging, her breathing became more and more urgent, and her heart was churning with excitement and uncontrollable emotions.

It was a kind of disbelief, doubt, shock, luck, and joy! ! !

It turns out that brother Youyou doesn't like her either...

It turns out that brother Youyou already has someone he likes...

Qiao Mu'er knew that Lu Che was the younger brother of Lu Jiu's subordinate Lu Jiu, a fair-skinned, thin, good-looking but taciturn boy.

She is also not more than two years older than her, and has always been by brother Youyou's side, as his right and left hand.

It is inconvenient for her to comment on the gender of the person Brother Youyou likes.

But...if that's brother Youyou's preference, regardless of gender, Qiao Muer will only bless her.

Thinking of this, Qiao Muer took a deep breath and decided to be honest: "Godmother, this is not because you guys are sorry for me, nor is Brother Youyou sorry for me... Don't be burdened, me...Me and Yuezheng... "

The girl lowered her eyes slightly, pursed her lips lightly, and shy watery light flashed in her lowered almond eyes.

Yuezheng was the one who made her admit that she liked in front of her daddy, mommy, godfather, godmother, and Yanyan.

She, I'm sorry.

Qiao Muer was just shy at first, but in the eyes of Xin Luo and the others, this shyness was the result of the child's patience and understanding, and despite being seriously injured, he gritted his teeth to keep them from worrying.

Xinluo felt distressed when she saw it, and immediately grabbed Mu'er's hand and said, "Don't worry, no matter what you do, the godmother will not let you be wronged. I know that Yuezheng has a bad temper, and he always likes to bully you and make you feel wronged." Difficult. But now that he is older and more stable, his godmother will tell him that he will not bully you again and will only treat you well. Mu'er, you don't need to be afraid..."

"Ah?" Qiao Mu'er suddenly raised her eyes, her almond eyes were full of confusion.

She, although she is always bullied by that villain Yue Zheng, but... But she is not wronged or embarrassed.

She...she is not afraid of going overboard.

She likes it, Yue Zheng.

How thin-skinned is a girl? Although she thought about this over and over in her heart, she couldn't say it.

However, I couldn't wait for her to say it.

Before she answered, Su Qing chatted with Yue Xinluo enthusiastically, and seemed to be very supportive of Yue Zheng's substitute Lu Qilin's engagement to her.

And daddy Qiao Mohan's attitude when he saw the Lu family was no longer as cold and serious as when he first entered the door, the chill on his face melted away, and he also participated in the discussion.

Seeing the adults chatting enthusiastically, Qiao Muer received Yanyan's coldness with profound eyes, got up, and followed Yanyan out of the living room.

"Yanyan..." Qiao Muer followed Yanyan to the glass-covered and insulated balcony.

Her fair face was slightly flushed, and she didn't know whether it was because she was shy when she heard the adults talk about her and Yue Zheng's engagement ceremony just now, or because she was exposed to the sun.

Lu Yan leaned halfway by the window, looked back, and glanced at Qiao Muer, who looked like she had a pink face.

Those slightly raised, slender peach blossom eyes hide a deep meaning.

"Mu'er, are you happy?" she said.

Qiao Muer: "Um...wh, why are you happy?"

The girl's performance was really clumsy. The adults never thought about it, but they always liked Lu Yan who was hiding in the corner, but liked to watch everything happening around him with cold eyes.

She pointed out sharply: "You are very happy to marry An An, aren't you?"

Qiao Muer: ...

She didn't expect to be spotted by Lu Yan at a glance, and the red tide on her face faded instantly, revealing a trace of surprise.


Qiao Muer stared blankly at the girl with black hair hanging down her waist and a cold face.

I don't know what to say.

【The next chapter around 19:10】

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