Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter Fifty-Three Finally Seeing Yue Zheng Again


Later, Xin Luo called Yue Zheng and asked him to go home for dinner.

On the phone, he mentioned Lu Qilin's matter a little bit, and just wanted him to get engaged to Qiao Mu'er instead of his elder brother, but Yue Zheng said he was still in a meeting and hung up the phone.

Xin Luo was a little uneasy, afraid that her son would resist.

However, before the meal time, Yue Zheng showed up on time.

When he walked in from the outside, his brows were still cold and his expression was a little flat.

There is no displeasure and resistance, and it seems that there is no resistance.

Seeing her son like this, Xin Luo felt a little relieved.

Only then did he let his son rest first, leaving space for the young man, and he dragged Su Qing into the kitchen to study the dinner together.

The men were in the study room, only Qiao Muer, who was chatting with Xin Luo and Su Qing just now, and Yue Zheng were left in the huge living room.

It's been a long time since I saw my sweetheart, the moment Yue Zheng appeared, Qiao Mu'er's dewy almond eyes unconsciously stuck to him.

Yue Zheng sat down, his blue phoenix eyes fell on the girl.

Seeing her wearing an aqua blue dress, which complemented her fair skin, her eyes looked at him timidly, and her slender waist was squeezed tightly, her blue eyes became a little deeper.

"Congratulations." Yue Zheng leaned on the sofa, and a slightly lazy voice sounded.

Qiao Muer: "Huh?"

"The college entrance examination is over. I did well in the exam."

Hearing the man she liked say these words, the girl's fair and moist little face suddenly turned crimson.

She bit her lower lip, and couldn't hide the smile in her eyes: "Well, you can apply to several universities in China... Do you want to stay here in the next few years, or go to other cities... Tell me in advance, I See if there are any suitable colleges out there."

Since Yue Zheng is not leaving, he must stay in China and start a company.

City A, City B or other cities, she wanted to stay in the same city as Yuezheng for four years in college, the closer the better.

The little girl, who just fell in love, always wants to be lingering.

She couldn't bear to be far away from Yuezheng.

"Qiao Muer..." However, her enthusiasm was interrupted by the man's cold voice.

"Huh?" The girl raised her eyes and found that Yue Zheng's face became a little cold.

No, maybe not coldness, almost something dark and cold.

"Come up with me." He said a little coldly, then got up and went upstairs.

Qiao Muer could see Yue Zheng's displeasure, but she didn't know what was wrong with him.

She was anxious to ask clearly, so without thinking, she followed Yue Zheng upstairs.

As soon as he followed Yue Zheng into his room, the door was closed behind him.

In the next second, before Qiao Muer had time to react, her feet were off the ground.

She was picked up by Yue Zheng, and pressed against the back of the door a little roughly.

The man leaned over, clasped her waist with his callused big hand, pinched her chin with the other hand, and lifted her up.

A strong male hormone breath blows towards the face.

Yue Zheng pried open the girl's pink lips with ease, and his fiery tongue came in unstoppably.

"Hmm... wait..."

Qiao Muer was afraid.

This kind of Yue Zheng made her feel strange, only felt strong and cold, completely different from the way they were when they were intimate before.

Love between two people should be joyful and sweet.

Even the time he forced her in the hotel before, his kiss was strong and fierce, but it still contained tenderness towards her.

It's completely different from the present, revealing the obvious possession and obvious venting.

But Yue Zheng didn't care about her resistance, her refusal and coquettish moans made it easier for him to deepen the kiss.

The man's superb kissing skills left Qiao Muer with no time to think about other things. What she wanted to say, what she wanted to tell him, eventually turned into bursts of panting.

[The update is complete, see you tomorrow night]

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