"Second brother, you understand... If the eldest brother stays in the military headquarters completely, then Daddy will turn his attention to you.

Although Mu'er is good, she may also become a condition for Daddy to let you stay. If there is no such thing, you can still plan it slowly, let Mu'er break off the engagement with Big Brother, and take her to Europe. But now, you know that's not possible, so you change your mind and put your relationship on hold. Second brother, have you ever experienced Mu'er's feelings when you do this? "

Lu Yan looked at Yuezheng with clear and transparent eyes, questioning secretly.

She is a person with very light feelings. She likes to be alone since she was a child, and she doesn't seem to be very social.

But in fact, from childhood to adulthood, the closest relationship with Lu Yan is her silly sister Lu Tiantian and Qiao Muer from the Qiao family.

These two people are older than her, but Lu Yan takes care of them more in their daily relationship.

There's no way, who made the two of them coquettish and stupid, and the other savage and willful.

Although Lu Yan always talked about them, in fact, it was simply a pampering dislike.

Yue Zheng's eyes dimmed, and he said coldly: "She chose me after Lu Qilin's divorce... the feeling of taking the second best, you think for her, maybe she doesn't care at all."

"You..." Lu Yan was about to vomit blood.

She had kept that secret in her stomach for many years, just to see what would happen to them.

At first it was fun and curious, but now it's worrying... Lu Yan really doesn't know why her second brother is so duplicity.

Not only was he angry, but Lu Yan was also angry with Qiao Mu'er.

This silly girl told her that if the second brother asked her if she would marry him, she would say no.

Judging by Yue Zheng's indifferent and decisive look, it must be that Qiao Mu'er didn't listen to her.

How could someone as proud as Yue Zheng be able to bear such an answer.

Lu Yan took a deep breath, feeling that the whole family was most worried about herself.

"Second brother, I know that you have always admired elder brother and longed for his decisiveness. You worshiped him, compared everything with him, and made him your target. This is a good thing, but the girl you like is actually elder brother fiancee.

You wanted her, but you were bound by your moral sense, so you deliberately distanced yourself... It was because of this that you left without saying goodbye, and you left for ten years.

Because of your sense of morality, you don't want to break the marriage contract with your eldest brother, so you should be Yue Zheng, and you never need others' charity.

You know that big brother has no feelings for Mu'er, if you say it, big brother will let you. But the last thing you need, is to let.

Just like now, the marriage contract between Mu'er and eldest brother was terminated, and the whole family began to match you up, but for you, it was a choice to retreat and ask for this time, a kind of charity. Even Mu'er nodded and agreed at this time, it's the same for you, right? "

"Yanyan, you're thinking too much." After hearing what she said, Yuezheng's frosty blue eyes darkened a little, and he said indifferently, "This kind of analysis doesn't apply to me. I never, ever liked it." Pass Qiao Muer."

Lu Yan raised her eyebrows: "You still kiss her if you don't like it? Brother, I told you, I saw you kiss her."

Yue Zheng's face darkened, and he said in a low hoarse voice: "It's just a temporary lust, a normal physiological need."

"Heh, physical needs?" Lu Yan's slightly cold eyebrows suddenly bent down, and there was a mocking smile in her long and narrow peach eyes.

"What physical needs does a ten-year-old boy have? Second brother, when I said I saw you kissing Mu'er, I didn't mean the present, but the past. On that night ten years ago, I saw you secretly kissing Mu'er."

【The next chapter around 20:20】

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