Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 68 I only ask the last time, are you really not married?

Genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements! Qiao Muer’s words are no less shocking than Yue Zheng’s revelation that the two have had a relationship and that there may be a baby in her stomach.

The side of Yue Zhengyu's handsome and flawless face was completely frozen into ice at this moment, and the blue pupil was even more chilly, and the ice blue pupil was scary

"Qiao Mu'er, what are you talking about..." The man's deep and condensed voice contained a hint of disbelief, and even more hostility.

Qiao Muer, how dare she say such a thing.

The girl's apricot eyes were slightly raised, and she showed a sneering smile: "I said, you have good physical strength, and I enjoy it very much... But to be honest, you still have room for improvement in terms of technology, and you can improve. This kind of thing is just a play on the spot. When you go to bed, you love each other, but when you get out of bed, it should be irrelevant. Yue Zheng... I didn't expect you to be so unaffected, and to say something that you should be responsible for such a trivial matter... Hmph, childish. "

The sharper blue eyes narrowed suddenly.

He didn't speak, but gritted his teeth, and clasped his right hand firmly on the armrest of the sofa.

"Mu'er, don't talk nonsense. When did you have such a personality? You are not the kind of kid who likes to have fun..."

Su Qing could hear her daughter talking angrily, she was different from others, she was sure that Yue Zheng was the one her daughter liked.

As a mother, she couldn't watch Qiao Muer mess around.

This seems to be hurting and rejecting Yue Zheng, but it is not hurting himself.

Xin Luo felt even more guilty at this time, and she didn't believe a word of what Qiao Muer and Yue Zheng said.

She watched Xiao Muer grow up, and even spent more time with her than with Su Qing.

She clearly knew what kind of personality Xiao Mu'er had. Although she was spoiled, she was by no means an unclean and promiscuous girl.

Hearing Xiao Mu'er's words, Xin Luo only felt heartache. How could her family's Yue Zheng force a good girl into such a situation.

"Mu..." Xin Luo was about to speak when the big palm around her waist squeezed gently.

Lu Yuchen was preventing her from speaking.

Xinluo was puzzled, and glanced at her husband, but was reminded by the man's meaningful eyes.

Lu Yuchen reminded her not to speak?

The persuasion that came to his mouth was swallowed abruptly like this.

Even after being married for such a long time, Xin Luo has never doubted Lu Yuchen's decision, if he told her not to speak, there must be his intentions.

Yue Xinluo trusted her husband with all her heart.

"Why don't I have this kind of personality... Mommy, I remember that Daddy was a famous playboy when he was young. We probably have this kind of playboy in the bones of our Qiao family. Now, I am the same as Daddy back then , unless I meet a man who can make me feel at ease, it will be difficult to settle down."

The meaning of these words is obvious - Yue Zheng is not the man who can calm her down.

"Mu'er, you..." Su Qing was really going to be so angry with her own daughter, she raised her beautiful eyes and stared at Qiao Mohan fiercely.

The flower heart can be inherited, it's all Qiao Mohan's fault.

If it wasn't because he was so absurd back then and taught Mu'er badly, how could my daughter use this kind of thing as an excuse!

Unexplainably angered by his wife, Qiao Mohan's originally cold and gloomy face rarely showed guilt.

Yue Zheng's face became more and more cold, and a pair of cold blue eyes were locked on Qiao Mu'er's face.

In the ear, I can't hear other people's words.

He asked repeatedly in a deep and cold voice: "Qiao Muer, I don't care whether you are telling the truth or lying. I only ask the last time, are you really not going to marry?"

Qiao Muer's apricot eyes flickered slightly, and she nodded after a while: "Yes, I won't marry."

[The update is complete, see you tomorrow night ~ I will change the scene tomorrow]

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