
"President, you are late again."

The corners of Qiao Muer's lips curved slightly, but the smile on her lips did not spread to her eyes at all.

Her gaze was still cold, falling on the other person's face, like an invisible question.

The president of the dignified branch of the imperial court rolled his Adam's apple, and swallowed with difficulty: "No, it's not...I...I...yes, I studied the data on the acquisition of Rongtian Plaza all night. Alas, this Acquisition is not easy, but you should keep it and cherish it, so I think it is necessary to work hard.”

The CEO tugged at the tie at the top of his clothes, and walked in sideways unnaturally.

Assistant Yang caught a glimpse of the coldness in Qiao Muer's eyes, and didn't dare to show his breath, so he closed the door carefully and retreated out.

"Zhuo, Yun, Fei—"

The woman turned around, gritted her teeth, and called out the name of the president of the H City Branch of the Royal Group.

The President's feet softened when his name was called, and he immediately put his hands in front of his head as he glanced at his tall and heroic image.

"Mu'er, I was wrong...Let's say it first, you don't slap people in the face..."

Oh hello, didn't he just watch the football game last night and didn't get up in the morning? Does Qiao Muer need to be so ruthless?

"Zhuo Yunfei, don't blame me for not warning you, this acquisition of Rongtian is not only valued by our royal family, but also several multinational groups are eyeing Rongtian's fat.

As the president of the H city branch, can you be a little more formal-look, you are already in your twenties, and you can't even go to work on time.

Halfway through this month, you are ten days late, and the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, so you are not afraid..."

"It's okay, my aunt, don't miss me every time, I know it."

Zhuo Yunfei was relieved to see that Qiao Muer wasn't going to fix herself.

He raised his hands and begged for mercy, just begging her not to babble.

The big cousin is so cruel, asking Meng Ze to personally 'train' this aunt to put him next to him is more effective than the Great Compassion Curse.

Reading it every day made his brain hurt.

However, he still has nothing to do with Qiao Muer. Although he is older than Qiao Muer, in fact, he was bullied by two girls, Qiao Muer and Lu Tiantian, since he was a child.

Especially in the past, when he made Qiao Muer cry a little, he would be dragged into the small dark room by that guy Yuezheng to clean up.

The 'shadow' formed when he was a child has remained until now. Even if he wants to be tough now, seeing Qiao Mu'er, his legs are weak and he can't harden up at all.

"If you know it, read all the information on the table quickly, and don't let me doze off in the morning meeting later, hurry up."

With Qiao Muer's order, Zhuo Yunfei immediately sat down in front of the desk, not daring to delay.

In fact, Zhuo Yunfei had a smart mind and was good at doing business, but he was just too useless.

Ever since I was a child, I have always been playful.

He played Transformers when he was a child, and he liked to watch football and play games when he grew up. He didn't look like a serious president at all.


An hour later, the morning meeting officially began.

At the morning meeting, Zhuo Yunfei took the manuscript that Qiao Muer had prepared for him as usual, and asked the executives of various departments one by one.

In the end, the proposal to acquire Rongtian Group was finalized. With the strength of the imperial court, it was a matter of certainty, not to mention 100%.

But a little later, Qiao Muer was busy at her seat, but unexpectedly received a call.

"What did you say?"

The beautiful almond eyes of the woman holding the microphone sank slightly.

"Are you sure the news is correct?"

"Okay, I got it. Don't worry about them, no matter who comes to grab it, Rongtian is ours."

[Sorry for being late again, I will post the next chapter as soon as I finish writing it, I won’t tell the time when I feel unwell~]

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