Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 77 Touch the back of her white and soft hand

In the dimly lit private room, light and shadow staggered.

The colorful lights on the ceiling are still spinning, and the big screen is pausing the picture of a female singer holding a microphone and singing softly.

And in the innermost part of the sofa in the private room, there were several young girls with outstanding looks and cool clothes.

The big coffee table was placed in the middle of the sofa, and the door was filled with all kinds of expensive drinks, fruit plates, snacks, and an open contract.

On the other side of the sofa was Mr. Zhou Min with a surprised face, followed by a bodyguard with an indifferent face.

On the other side of the sofa, sat a man in a dark suit.

The man was tall and imposing, and just sitting there would give people invisible pressure.

And his indifferent face was expressionless, only when he saw the figure appearing outside the door, a dark light flashed across his ice-blue narrow and long phoenix eyes.

Zhuo Yunfei didn't expect to run into Yue Zheng here!

The moment he saw Yue Zheng, his first reaction was to turn his head and run away.

It's a pity that my legs were weak and I was a step slower.

The arm was firmly held by Qiao Muer.

"What are you afraid of? Young Master Zhuo, don't forget...we're here to discuss business." Qiao Mu'er took a step forward and stood side by side with Zhuo Yunfei, her right hand held Zhuo Yunfei's arm seemingly casually but firmly.

Zhuo Yunfei, who just felt his legs were weak, suddenly felt that his left arm was about to be pierced by some kind of vision.

Not only are his feet weak now, but his next door hurts too.

"Qiao, Secretary Qiao, Yue... Yue Zheng is inside." Zhuo Yunfei was afraid of this nephew since he was a child.

Seeing Yuezheng, he would recall the scene when he was crying and chasing after Yuezheng when he was a child, asking him to return the Transformers.

And the 'childhood shadow' who dragged him into the little black room at every turn.

"Do you owe him money?" Qiao Mu'er said indifferently, without even turning her eyes to the person in the room.

She had known for a long time that Yuezheng came to H City and was very interested in the Rongtian Plaza project.

If it wasn't for this, she wouldn't have dragged Zhuo Yunfei over here tonight.

For this man, at the beginning, she really got carried away with her godfather's words and studied hard to improve herself, wanting to make herself better and more dazzling, and make him regret it.

But now, when she is no longer like in the past, sticking to petty love and petty love.

Instead, jump out and see a wider world.

For the man I once loved, even if I meet again, there will be no waves in my heart.

Zhuo Yunfei was stunned for a moment, "Of course I don't owe you."

"Since you don't owe money, what are you afraid of... Come, follow me in." After finishing speaking, Qiao Muer took Zhuo Yunfei's arm and dragged him in.

Zhuo Yunfei: "..."

I'm sub-Ao, is my aunt crazy?

Even if he didn't owe Yue Zheng any money, as a member of the Lu family, how could he not know that Yue Zheng and Qiao Mu'er had such an embarrassing quarrel back then.

An old flame, or even a reunion of an ex-flavor who almost got married.

One is indifferent and expressionless, and the other is even more indifferent and doesn't care, this is not normal at all!

Zhuo Yunfei only felt that he was in a war without gunpowder, and he followed Qiao Muer step by step to the booth.

"Mr. Zhou, hello. I'm Qiao Muer, secretary to the president of Royal Group H City Branch, and this is our president Zhuo Shao."

Qiao Muer directly ignored Yue Zheng who was sitting on the other side, and went to Zhou Min, and took out her business card to negotiate with him.

Zhou Min was pointed at the head with a gun just now, and the moment the private room door opened, the muzzle of the gun was removed from the back of his head.

He was still a little dizzy at the moment, when he raised his eyes, his eyes that were a little red from drinking saw a beautiful but cold woman standing in front of him.

"Mei, the business card handed over by the beauty... Accept it, of course..." Zhou Min took the business card from Qiao Muer slightly drunk, and touched the back of her white and soft hand with that fat big hand.

【The update is complete, see you tomorrow night~】

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