
From the moment Qiao Muer entered the private room, Yue Zheng hardly took his eyes off her.

She has changed a lot, her black hair has become longer, her facial features have become colder, and those smiling almond eyes passed across his face without a single stop.

Yue Zheng sat there the whole time, waiting for when Qiao Muer noticed him.

However, after waiting for a long time, I saw that she was almost taken advantage of by someone, and saw her being embraced by Zhuo Yunfei.

Seeing her face it calmly, the panic she had when she was a child was no longer on her pretty face.

She seemed to have grown up a lot overnight, and became... She no longer needed his protection.

"If the imperial court wants to buy Rongtian, I must nod." For some unknown reason, Yue Zheng said this in a deep and magnetic voice.

After hearing what he said, Qiao Muer finally turned her head to look at him.

Those black and white apricot eyes paused for a moment on his face.

Immediately afterwards, Yue Zheng saw Qiao Muer turn her head to Zhuo Yunfei beside her and said, "Young Master Zhuo... I suggest that we don't want Rongtian."

Zhuo Yunfei: "..."

Qiao Muer glanced at him, "Why, Master Zhuo has any objections?"

"No, no, Joe... Secretary Joe's proposal is very good. Then, then we now..."

Do you want to say hello to Yue Zheng?

Zhuo Yunfei didn't dare to say the following words.

After all, they are both relatives and acquaintances. They haven't seen each other for many years, and they suddenly meet by chance. It's not good to pretend that they don't know each other.

But Zhuo Yunfei knew about the 'old relationship' between Yue Zheng and Qiao Muer.

Although he was afraid of Yue Zheng, he had "suffered a lot" under Qiao Mu'er's hands for more than two years. Even if this aunt gave him ten courages, he would not dare to provoke him.

"Since we're not talking about business, what are you doing in this smoky place?" Qiao Mu'er looked indifferent, and pointedly glanced at the young girls in cool clothes in the corner.

Meng Fang couldn't bear it and wanted to explain: "Miss Qiao, those are Zhou..."

Qiao Muer didn't listen to Meng Fang's explanation at all, and it could even be said that she ignored Yue Zheng and the people he brought along the whole time.

She walked out on her own.

Seeing Zhuo Yunfei standing there in a daze, seeing Yue Zheng's gloomy expression and not daring to move, she frowned: "Zhuo Yunfei, don't leave yet."

"Oh, come... come..." Zhuo Yunfei nodded towards Yuezheng, and made an expression with Meng Fang, signaling Meng Fang to say more good things for him, to mediate, and then he walked out to follow.

After a while, the private room, which was extremely lively just now, suddenly became deserted.

Yue Zheng sat there expressionlessly, his whole body seemed to be shrouded in a layer of shadow.

Suddenly, the man stood up, walked to the coffee table with long legs, and picked up the share transfer document.

"Master, what should we do now?" Meng Fang saw Yue Zheng's eyes fell on the shareholding book in his hand, his expression was cloudy and unpredictable, so he could only bite the bullet and speak.

Yue Zheng ignored him, but frowned slightly, with some emotion passing through his deep blue eyes.

After a while, he handed the equity transfer letter to Meng Fang, "Get ready and return to Europe tomorrow."

"Ah?" Meng Fang showed surprise.

They have just arrived, why are they going back so soon... Didn't the young master say that this time they came here to further develop in H City?

Seeing that Yue Zheng was about to leave the private room, Meng Fang quickly asked, "What should Mr. Zhou do that day? Let him sleep here, or send him back."

Hearing Meng Fang's words, the man stopped.

Turning around suddenly, he looked at Mr. Zhou who was sleeping like a dead pig on the sofa with slightly sinister eyes.


【The next chapter around 20:10】

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