
"Too sleepy, I'll take a nap for a while."

"Secretary Qiao, my neck hurts, probably because of my cervical spondylosis..."

"My eyes hurt. The doctor said I have glaucoma and I can't use my eyes too much... Secretary Qiao, it's too late. We'll come back to accompany you tomorrow morning."

Various reasons were thrown at Qiao Muer.

Obviously they all know that a new round of negotiations will start tomorrow, and they must think of new entry points and emergency plans tonight.

However, except for the male colleague from the public relations department who stayed behind, everyone else found excuses to slip away.

Qiao Muer's face became colder and colder, she was not a fool, of course it could be seen that these people were trying to get Joe from her.

When everyone else left, Sister Zhang stood up on the pull of Su Qianfei.

Secretary Zhang: "Secretary Qiao... Recently, everyone has been working around the clock for 24 hours a day, and they are all tired. Speaking of which, this is actually a problem of your improper arrangement.

You are still too young and inexperienced. Sometimes, working overtime can't solve all the problems. For inefficient work like this, we should arrange as little as possible in the future.

Good steel should be used on the cutting edge, and it is useless to do twice the result with half the effort.

Secretary Qiao is not qualified to be the leader of the negotiation team, and may even arouse resistance from other colleagues. I will truthfully report these matters to the head office. Let me tell you first here, I hope you understand. "

"Sister Zhang, why are you telling her so much... Secretary Qiao is under the care of Mr. Zhuo, so it's okay to mess around. Let's go back and rest first. After resting, we will wake up tomorrow morning and think of a good solution together. This company, After all, it still depends on your old qualifications."

Su Qianfei said angrily, and pulled Sister Zhang away.

She won't let Qiao Muer tell them apart, let alone tell Qiao Muer what to say to Sister Zhang.

Su Qianfei knew that Sister Zhang had a soft ear and an even softer heart. She finally hated Qiao Muer now, but she couldn't change her mind.

One by one they all left.

Qiao Mu'er watched them leave, but she didn't say anything to leave anyone alone, and even her originally cold face gradually eased, and there was even a faint smile on the corner of her lips.

She turned and looked at the only one who hadn't left.

That was Zhao Yu, a colleague from the public relations department.

"Zhao Yu, why don't you leave?" Qiao Muer asked.

Zhao Yu: "Secretary Qiao... I know, they are deliberately finding fault. If you hadn't been here in the negotiations these days, we would have been eaten by the people on Zhengrong's side. They all know it clearly, but they all deliberately Pretend not to know.

I haven't been in the company for a long time, so I may not be so tactful, but I have eyes, and I must do things worthy of my conscience. "

Zhengrong's team is the elite of their entire group.

Their city H branch is only a part of the imperial court, and it is even a branch that has just started.

Who is strong and who is weak, anyone with a discerning eye knows.

Secretary Qiao is already very good. Those people, for the sake of intrigue and gaining positions, can do anything.

Qiao Muer was not annoyed when she heard Zhao Yu's words, but instead smiled lightly: "You are right, you must be worthy of your conscience when you do things. Don't worry, your conscience will not let you suffer."

After speaking, Qiao Muer sat down again as if nothing happened, and quickly flipped through the file in her hand.

Zhao Yu didn't dare to interrupt, and only continued with the tasks assigned by Qiao Muer.

In the small conference room, there were only these two people left.

Until after 4 o'clock in the middle of the night, Qiao Mu'er couldn't hold on anymore, and fell asleep leaning on the table.

Zhao Yu looked up and saw that he was about to put on a coat for Secretary Qiao.

A tall and straight figure appeared outside the small meeting room.

[The update is complete, see you tomorrow night~ Spoiler reveals that Mu'er won't be so easily bullied]

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