
With one sentence, Qiao Muer swallowed back the words she hadn't uttered yet.

Yue Zheng, he is very good, really great!

Qiao Muer's moist and clear almond eyes were burning extremely bright with anger.

She was held in Yue Zheng's arms, biting her lower lip, her apricot eyes staring at him for a moment.

Those eyes were mixed with annoyance and anger, even if they stared at Yue Zheng so directly, there was no trace of tenderness revealed.

Such emotions, as smart as Yuezheng, of course can see clearly.

However, he can't control that much.

Whether he loves it or hates it, he can no longer let go of his Mu'er.

The man carefully placed Qiao Muer's petite body on the big bed, leaned over the bed, and put his long arms on the side of her head.

The slender fingers with thin calluses gently brushed her crystal and beautiful face.

Seeing that her eyes were still filled with repulsion and anger, but she didn't show any emotion, Yue Zheng's heart skipped a beat.

He lowered his voice to coax, "Mu'er...don't look at me like that. You should know that I have changed a lot for you."

"Change?" Qiao Muer's pretty face finally changed as if she heard some big joke.

She curled her lips and sneered: "Forgive my blindness, I can't see where the less changes are. You are still the same as before, if you want it, you stick to it domineeringly, if you don't want it, you pat your butt and walk away without looking back. People. As it was then, as it is now, it never changes."

Back then, he liked and wanted her, so he took the initiative to tease her.

Yes, she admitted... She did like him at the beginning, secretly liked him, and liked him for a long, long time.

But she has always been able to restrain that kind of feeling. If he didn't take the initiative to tease her, her liking could be hidden in her heart for a long time.

Even for a lifetime, you can not say it.

But what did he do?

When I was young, I suddenly left Huaguo and left without saying goodbye. It was ten years since I left, and I didn't see each other again for ten years.

And ten years later, he suddenly appeared again, appearing in front of her.

He was an irresistible poison to her, so he just wanted to get close to her, tease her, and test her.

Qiao Muer admitted that she was stupid, and she was tempted by him because she couldn't stand the test.

So back then, when he was rejected by him in public, when he said those indifferent and cruel words in public, it had nothing to do with love but a family arrangement, and he followed the steps to get married in five years.

She clearly knew that everything was her own fault.

She couldn't stand the temptation, and God gave her retribution.

No one else.

From then on, she cut off all the thoughts she shouldn't have, and enriched and improved herself under Godfather Lu's arrangement.

The more you see, the more you do, and the more you experience.

Only then did she realize how stupid and stupid she was back then.

Love is not the whole of life, there is no man who will not die... She can have more and wider worlds.

There is no need to spend your whole life on an impossible man named 'Yue Zheng'.

Qiao Muer's apricot eyes gradually calmed down, and even the anger that was full just now dissipated unknowingly.

Seeing Qiao Muer like this, Yue Zheng's phoenix eyes darkened slightly, and an indescribable sense of loss reverberated in his heart.

With a sullen face, he said in a cold and serious tone: "Yes, I admit that I did force you at Zhuo Yunfei that day, but... that was because... seeing you with him was an eyesore."

The man's voice became lower and lower, apparently unwilling to admit that he was jealous.

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