

The sound of 'click' and 'snap' from metal collisions, like the sound of something being closed, suddenly reached Qiao Muer's ears.

Qiao Mu'er, who had been sleeping peacefully and sweetly on the bed, jumped up immediately as if she had been scalded by something.

She sat on the head of the bed, her almond eyes opened wide, her hands tightly covering her heart.

At that moment, she suddenly remembered that she was not the only one in this room.

Yue Zheng is still there, what was the voice just now?

Many chaotic thoughts popped up in her mind, and Qiao Muer even turned her head to look at the bathroom immediately with a sense of uneasiness.

The sound of opening and closing the door just now made her afraid that when she opened her eyes, she would see Yue Zheng coming out of the bathroom with his upper body naked and only wrapped in a towel around his waist.

Yue Zheng didn't seem like the kind of person who showed his emotions.

But in his bones, there is the domineering persistence of a man from the Lu family.

The things he is used to, the people and things he wants, have always been forcibly occupied.

Qiao Muer grew up with him, so she knew that that was the nature of Yue Zheng or a man from the Lu family.

Looking back, however, the bathroom door was open, there was no light, and obviously no one was there.

And the sofa that Yue Zheng was sitting on was also empty. She looked around the whole room, except for her, it was empty.

So just now, the suspected sound of opening and closing the door she heard was the sound of Yue Ze leaving.

Yue Zheng left?

Did he really leave without doing anything?

Qiao Muer couldn't quite believe what she saw, but the facts seemed to be true.

She opened her eyes to the mobile phone next to the bed. At ten thirty in the morning, she fell asleep until this time.

Remembering that there was still work to be done today, Qiao Muer hurriedly got up, went to the bathroom to wash up, changed her clothes and put on makeup.

When she changed into a low-necked suit and stood in front of the mirror to put on makeup, she lifted her chin, only to find that the man had left three or four dark red hickey marks on her fair neck.

Yue Zheng...

Thinking of last night, he pressed her on the bed and kissed her forcefully.

The anger that Qiao Muer had just dissipated came back up again.

Sure enough, she still can't have any soft-heartedness towards Yue Zheng, and when dealing with this man, if she doesn't advance, she will retreat.

He is like the most shrewd hunter, able to easily catch the weakness of his prey.

Once she backs down, it is very likely that she will repeat the same mistakes and be captured by him, leaving no bones left.

Qiao Muer's beautiful apricot eyes gradually cooled down. She simply covered the marks on her neck with concealer, and tied an elegant and decent silk scarf around her neck.

Everything was ready, and it took less than twenty minutes from the time she woke up to finishing her makeup.

Qiao Muer quickly picked up the briefcase and mobile phone, opened the door and was about to go out.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the door was pushed open, she saw Su Qianfei at the door who was crying to tears, her eyes were swollen and her nose was red.

Behind her, Secretary Zhang was always by her side.

Suddenly seeing Su Qianfei, Qiao Muer's plain and capable expression suddenly became very ugly.

"Secretary Qiao, I was wrong...I'm here to apologize to you. Secretary Qiao, please, for the sake of my soon-to-be regular status in the imperial court, please forgive me this time. I promise, I won't Stop talking nonsense..."

Seeing Qiao Muer come out, Su Qianfei cried even more pitifully.

And Secretary Zhang, who was standing behind her, saw Qiao Muer's face turned so ugly, thinking that Qiao Muer was still angry last night.

She hurriedly interceded for Su Qianfei: "Secretary Qiao, after Xiao Su went back last night, she regretted the mistakes she made and cried all night without stopping.

Early this morning, she came over and stood guard at your door, wanting to sincerely admit her mistake to you.

Look at this girl, her eyes are swollen from crying, she is also sincere, she guarded outside your door for three or four hours and didn't even bother to eat breakfast, she sincerely wants to apologize to you.

For the sake of her sincere confession, just tell Mr. Zhuo and let it go. "

As soon as Secretary Zhang said this, Qiao Muer's face became even uglier.

I stood guard at the door for three or four hours...

Qiao Muer couldn't help squinting her eyes, and the uneasiness in her heart gradually expanded.

Could it be that they saw Yue Zheng leaving just now?

[More than 1200 words: the update is complete, see you tomorrow night~]

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