"Secretary Qiao, why are you still here... Zhengrong suddenly moved up the meeting time, saying that there is an important announcement, let's go there now."

Zhao Yu came over from the meeting room and saw Qiao Muer sitting on the bar and eating cereal.

Hearing Zhao Yu's words, the smile on Qiao Mu'er's eyes disappeared, and she returned to her usual neat and capable.

She took out a tissue and gracefully wiped the corners of her lips, and rinsed the empty bowl after eating.

A series of actions flowed smoothly and very quickly.

While doing it, he asked simply: "Do you know what it is? What about the others, have they all passed?"

Zhao Yu: "I don't know, Assistant Meng suddenly notified. Others have already been notified, and I came here specially to find you."

Qiao Muer knew it silently, she took out the makeup mirror to touch up the lipstick a little bit, and said, "Okay, then let's go over now... By the way, no matter what happens later, don't be surprised, it has nothing to do with you, don't worry."

Zhao Yu: ...

Secretary Qiao looked calm and confident, as if she knew something was going to happen a long time ago.

Seeing her like this, Zhao Yu couldn't help but feel a little calmer, and felt more at ease.

When he came to the big conference room with Qiao Muer, Zheng Rong and other staff members of their imperial court were all present.

It's just that besides these people, there are six more strangers that they have never seen before.

Among the six people were four men and two women, all wearing black work suits and black briefcases, looking very professional.

Seeing Qiao Muer appear, Meng Fang said in front of the others: "Secretary Qiao, these six people just arrived, they said they came to look for you..."

Among the six people, Meng Fang had met four of them.

They are all Qiao Mohan's subordinates, working on the top floor of Qiao's headquarters, and they are all Qiao Mohan's most capable right and left hands.

How could Qiao's people appear in a place like City H for no reason.

Meng Fang didn't need to ask to know that this had absolutely something to do with Qiao Muer.

"Well, thank you Assistant Meng, they are imperial employees I specially invited to help." Qiao Muer said without changing her face.

As soon as these words came out, the scene almost exploded.

It turned out that they came with Qiao Muer, and all the employees of the Huangting H City Branch showed astonished expressions.

Especially Secretary Zhang and the executives of the management department, they are all veterans of the Royal Branch, but they have never seen these six people.

Executive of the management department: "They are employees of the imperial court? Why have I never seen them!"

Secretary Zhang also echoed: "Yeah, the company sent someone over, and I didn't hear anything about it beforehand. Secretary Qiao, although you value this cooperation, we already have nine people here, and it would be too much to add another six." It's extravagant..."

"Of course they are employees of the imperial court. Show your IDs to Sister Zhang and the others to check and check." Qiao Muer said as she glanced at the six people with her cold eyes.

Hearing the eldest lady's order, the six top talents who were 'borrowed' from Qiao's immediately respectfully took out their work permits from the briefcase.

The huge seven words 'Imperial Court Consortium Headquarters' are printed on their work ID cards, which are extremely clear.

Under the royal consortium, there are their jobs.

Senior managers, senior secretaries, senior assistants, etc., are all higher than the sum of all the employees of the royal branch present, and their positions are countless levels higher.

However, the employees sent by the superior head office showed a respectful and polite attitude towards Qiao Muer.

"Secretary Qiao... This is a work permit. We only follow your orders. We just show this to you, and we don't need to let others check it."

One of them, honestly.

【The update is complete, see you tomorrow night~】

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