"After the negotiation is over, these six colleagues from the head office will give you ratings according to your work ability and dedication. Those who pass the rating can resume their original positions and even increase their value.

If the rating is unqualified, I'm sorry, the imperial court may not welcome such employees who take their salary and do nothing. Please pack your things and find another place to sit. "

After Qiao Muer finished speaking, her eyes just stopped on the face of Zhao Yu who was standing in the crowd.

Her eyes were slightly soft, her lips curled up, and she showed a sincere smile: "Of course, Zhao Yu doesn't count. Zhao Yu works hard and takes the initiative. I have already reported to Mr. Zhuo alone. Mr. Zhuo ordered you to work hard and wait for this cooperation After the negotiation is over, I will give you the reward you deserve."

Needless to say, you know what the reward is. Of course, it is a promotion and salary increase, and the future is boundless.

And others?

The downgrade of the position not only represents a reduction in wages and benefits, but also blocks the way to promotion in the future, leaving a stain that cannot be erased within the company.

As a wage earner, everyone hopes to be promoted and raise their salary, and everyone hopes to get promoted step by step.

They were originally instigated by Su Qianfei, and they followed Secretary Zhang, except that Qiao Muer, a young girl, became the team leader because everyone was not convinced.

More importantly, it is not that good birds choose trees to live in.

Su Qianfei is the daughter of the Su family and has a wide network of contacts.

Secretary Zhang was an old man dispatched from the head office. Before Qiao Muer came to the branch office, he had always been the number one in the secretary's office on the top floor.

According to the analysis of the power and qualifications behind the two parties, the others are more messy with Secretary Zhang and Su Qianfei.

No matter what, it was unexpected that in the end, it was not Secretary Zhang who filed a complaint at the head office to overthrow Qiao Muer.

Instead, Secretary Qiao recruited the paratroopers from the head office, and directly took them away.

"Secretary Qiao, Secretary Qiao... We are all working together. There is a misunderstanding in it. You can't just demote us like this."

"That's right, Mr. Zhuo doesn't understand the situation. You are the most capable person around Mr. Zhuo... Secretary Qiao, please bear with us when we made mistakes before. I promise, we will definitely work hard and cooperate actively in the future. We The whole family is still waiting for me to support, and the family's mortgage has to be repaid, you can't just like this..."

Several executives couldn't bear it anymore and began to intercede.

He even brought up reasons such as family situation and loan repayment, hoping to win sympathy.

However, Qiao Mu'er coldly interrupted the other party's words: "Since I knew that there was someone to support and the mortgage had to be repaid, why didn't I work hard in the first place?

I know you don't like me, but don't forget, we all work for the company, and your salary and benefits are paid by the company, not by me.

I know that there are people in the company who don't like me all the time, saying that I scold me in private, but I never ask. But this time, you guys went too far. When your behavior has surpassed your personal feelings and delayed your work, you must be prepared to be held accountable by the company.

This time, you should thank Mr. Zhuo for his kindness and willingness to give you a chance. Seize the remaining time and study hard with the six colleagues in the head office. You still have a chance to resume your job. Otherwise... you will not know until the day you are fired in the future, what is regret. "

Although Qiao Muer's words were not pleasant to listen to, they were not harsh.

The other executives heard what she said, and after thinking about it again, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

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