If Yue Zheng really did anything, he actually did nothing.

Yue Zheng didn't make any moves to tease her calf with his toes, or reach out to touch her.

He just leaned lightly against the outside of her high heels with the toe of his shoe.

This kind of touch is unavoidable in the subway, on the bus, or even in daily work and life.

If this person wasn't Yue Zheng, Qiao Muer wouldn't be so sensitive.

But now, she hid, but he entered, obviously it was not an unintentional move.

Qiao Mu'er didn't know when Yuezheng became so naive. It was obviously a workplace, and Assistant Meng was reporting to work.

However, this man, with a cold and serious appearance on the surface, is 'pursuing her' in private.

Qiao Muer raised her eyes, and couldn't help but glared fiercely at Yue Zheng with those apricot eyes that were shining with luster and mixed with anger.

And the childish man under his feet insisted on leaning close to Qiao Muer's man.

At this moment, he raised his jaw slightly and looked at Meng Fang seriously with his cold blue eyes.

He even used his bony fingers to lightly touch the cold and smooth chin.

It seems that he is very serious and focused.

As if sensing Qiao Muer's 'hot' gaze, Yue Zheng suddenly turned his eyes sideways, raised his eyebrows, and looked at the woman sitting beside him with eyes as deep as the sea.

Secretary Qiao, what's the matter?

He spoke coldly, his tone indifferent and alienated, but also somewhat serious.

It was as if he and Qiao Muer were two strangers at all, with a completely business-like tone.

Big Byiss spoke suddenly, and even Meng Fang stopped reporting and summarizing, and everyone's eyes couldn't help but look at Yue Zheng and Qiao Muer.

Just now Su Qianfei was about to tear Qiao Muer to death, but after seeing Yue Zheng appearing, she completely gave up the idea of ​​dragging Qiao Muer into the water even if she left the imperial court.

Because six senior assistants from the headquarters were parachuted.

At the moment, she is obediently sitting in the corner, on the temporary seat, staring at Yuezheng with salivating eyes.

When she saw Yue Zheng suddenly turned his eyes to Qiao Muer, and asked Qiao Muer actively.

Su Qianfei tightly grasped the hand beside the chair, and couldn't help but tighten it.

This Qiao Muer, this bitch was less seduced last time in the imperial president's office.

It's even more powerful now, Yue Shao just came here, and she hooked up again.

Qiao Muer paused slightly in her throat.

She wasn't afraid, but she didn't expect Yue Zheng's face to become so thick.

Obviously under the table, he was the one who kept teasing her with his toes.

But he was able to pretend nothing had happened, and asked her in such a cold and serious tone, 'Is there anything wrong? '

Qiao Mu'er's beautiful almond eyes narrowed slightly: Well, there is something to do. Less and less came suddenly, slightly disrupting our pace. In fact, before Yue Shao came, our imperial court was dealing with some internal affairs.

I don't know if it's less convenient. It's inconvenient for the imperial court to deal with internal affairs first before continuing this meeting?

The arrival of Yue Zheng just interrupted her handling of Su Qianfei and Secretary Zhang.

Of course, we can't say how to deal with it, but these two people haven't made a statement yet.

How could it be so easy to let them pass the test?

No one expected that Qiao Muer would dare to bring up this matter suddenly at the joint meeting of the two companies.

Yes, although it was true that Yue Shao came in just now, interrupting the internal affairs that the imperial court had not yet finished processing.

However, this is in front of less

He is a distinguished president, so it is impossible for him to give convenience to the imperial court.

All the staff at Zhengrong's side know that Yue Shao has a temper, and everyone knows that Yue Shao hates being interrupted by others for other reasons during a meeting.

In particular, what does the affairs of their imperial court have to do with Zhengrong?

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