
Yue Zheng's brows were dark, but he nodded in public without hesitation: "Secretary Qiao is right, the imperial court's affairs should be decided by the imperial court. Sometimes, I really envy Mr. Zhuo... having such a capable assistant as Secretary Qiao, To protect his face. I wonder if Secretary Qiao is interested in us?"

Yue Shao actually took the initiative to invite Secretary Qiao to Zhengrong!

Does this count as blatant poaching?

Except for Meng Fang, the other employees in Zhengrong Company are also full of surprises. No one knows that they are less intelligent, and their speed and responsiveness in handling business affairs have always been many times faster than others.

In order to accommodate them, Less will even slow down the speed of issuing instructions.

From the moment he entered Zhengrong, all the subordinate executives were found by the HR department, and then sent to him for approval.

In other words, since Yue Shao was in charge of Zhengrong until now, this is the first time he has offered an olive branch to someone.

However, Qiao Muer was stunned for two seconds, but she refused cleanly: "Maintaining the company and Zhuo is always my duty, the less I am doing, the less I am doing well in the imperial court, and I have no plans to change jobs for the time being." mean."

"That's a pity." Yue Zheng raised his eyes, his deep blue pupils staring at Qiao Mu'er without blinking.

Yue Zheng has a pair of very deep but also extremely indifferent blue pupils.

When he looks at a person with those ice blue eyes, it usually makes the other person feel uneasy, scared, and even start to reflect on whether he has not done a good job or done something wrong.

However, when his eyes fell on Qiao Muer, even though the blue pupils were still cold, there was a different emotion vaguely revealed in the coldness.

Compared with the look at Su Qianfei just now, Yue Zheng's look at Qiao Muer is truly bold and presumptuous.

He was short of showing generously that he was very satisfied with Qiao Muer, very interested, very...liked.

Qiao Muer only looked at Yue Zheng for a few seconds, then quickly looked away.

"Well, I still have something to do... I'm going back to work first." Qiao Muer said with a little embarrassment.

Whether it's a venomous tongue, or indifference, or even pushing her forward in private, she can calmly and resolutely refuse.

However, when he was under the watchful eyes of everyone, he did nothing but looked at her seriously, intently and unscrupulously with those blue eyes.

She suddenly didn't know what to say.

It would be too pretentious to say that he is not allowed to see it.

But she didn't say anything... Qiao Muer felt bad, very bad when he stared at her like that... She could feel the probing and gossip in the eyes of other colleagues.

I can feel my heart beating slightly faster.

Secretary Qiao lowered her head, picked up the document in her hand, and walked away quickly.

Seeing that Secretary Qiao had left, the subordinates of the imperial court had no choice but to follow.

As for Yue Zheng, his deep blue eyes paused slightly for Qiao Muer's leaving back, and his phoenix eyes regained their indifference, leading the majestic person away.

After everyone left, Su Qianfei still stood there blankly at the door of the conference room.

What happened just now?

Yue Shao actually taunted her directly, saying that she was a useless person, and instead showed great hospitality to Qiao Muer?

Impossible, how could it be like this...

She clearly saw Qiao Muer coming out of the CEO's office in disheveled clothes that day... Qiao Muer was the one who was rejected by the least, and Qiao Muer was the one who couldn't get ahead.

Why in the end, Yue Shao showed a strong interest in Qiao Muer, but Qiao Muer ignored Yue Shao's love?

Su Qianfei was confused, completely confused.

【The next chapter around 20:30】

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