
Because of the short-term numbness in his body, he couldn't move, so Yue Zheng just fell on the bed, looking at Qiao Mu'er motionlessly with his deep blue eyes.

He was tall and tall, with broad shoulders and long legs, and he had an unusually strong sense of presence when he fell down.

Not to mention, at this moment, his deep and dark eyes revealed an obscure light, and the way he looked at Qiao Muer was so profound, so quiet, and so focused.

Qiao Mu'er was able to look back coldly at first, showing her determination towards Yue Zheng.

But that kind of fierceness, that kind of eyes gradually made her feel heavy and hard to resist.

She glanced away, not looking at him.

The two were like this, one standing on the side of the bed against the wall, and the other lying on the bed.

One's eyes deviated and looked out the window, while the other's gaze was fixed on the face of the lost girl.

After an unknown amount of time, when Yue Zheng's body finally returned to normal and sat up from the bed, Qiao Muer frowned when he heard the noise.

She turned her head subconsciously, and looked at the man who sat up with a conflicted and defensive look.

His black hair was slightly disheveled, and his stern face was silent.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking up at her.

The sexy and sharp jaw line drew a perfect arc, and his deep blue eyes stared at her quietly and far away.

For a moment, Qiao Muer seemed to see different emotions in Yue Zheng's eyes.

It is no longer that cold, perverse and full of hostility.

He also seemed to have changed a lot, and there was a kind of serenity in his eyes that seemed to see through everything.

How could it be Shen Jing? She must have misread it.

Yue Zheng has never been a gentle and quiet character, he is more like a sword, a sharp sword.

Or an ice blade, sharp and piercing, that is the real Yue Zheng.

Qiao Muer couldn't help tightening her right hand holding the electric shock baton, and she looked at the man who was sitting on the edge of the bed looking up at her.

Even though he looked indifferent and fearless on his face, he was still a little worried in his heart.

She knew Yue Zheng too well.

Even if she didn't see him for ten years, she still knew that the electric shock attack just now was only possible when he was unprepared and distracted.

Under normal circumstances, Yue Zheng would most likely be able to grab the electric shock rod in her hand as soon as it touched his body.

The disparity between her and his physical strength never existed.

Suddenly, the man sitting on the edge of the bed moved, and he got up and stood up.

The man who looked much shorter than her while sitting by the bed just now passed her suddenly.

Qiao Muer's line of sight changed from looking down to looking up. Yue Zheng's tall and slender body felt unusually present in such a room.

"..." Qiao Muer didn't speak, but stepped back until her heels were touching the wall, and her right hand tightened even more.

She is like a brave man entering the Colosseum, vigilantly guarding against the 'beast' in front of her.

However, Yue Zheng did not move further.

He just stood up, looked at her, looked at her deeply.

With his bottomless blue pupils, with his focused and deep eyes, it was as if he was describing her appearance, trying to engrave her in his mind.

They just stared at each other, and after an unknown amount of time, the man suddenly spoke in a low voice with a hint of embarrassment: "You rest at ease, I'm leaving."

I am leaving……

For some reason, this time, Qiao Muer felt strangely sad when she heard these three words.

That inexplicable sadness welled up from the bottom of my heart, and it came without warning.

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