
"Xiao Su, shh...don't say it. Did you forget the one who ordered..."

"I know, but once Secretary Qiao is in power, even if we don't tell her, she will not be able to hold back herself. No one can guess how she will choose the job and that..."

Su Qianfei's next words were stopped by others.

Qiao Muer wanted to hear more details, but the people inside stopped talking about it.

She stood at the corner outside the door, frowning slightly.

What do you mean by "Once you gain power, you will be unable to hold back"?

And 'job and that person, anyone can guess that she chooses herself'...

After being ill for three days and comatose for three days, Qiao Muer faintly felt that something was out of her control.

She waited for half a minute before walking in after the conversation in the conference room was over.

When she pushed the door open, she clearly heard a sound of gasping coming from the meeting room.

The sound of gasping was not made by one person, but by several people at the same time.

Because everyone took a small gasp, the voices converged and became louder, but became clearer.

This shows that several people in the conference room did not expect her to appear, and seemed surprised by her arrival.

Qiao Muer raised her eyes and glanced around. On both sides of the big conference table were not only the employees of the imperial court, but also the grand ones.

Everyone looked up at her, with more or less surprised expressions in their eyes.

"Hi everyone..." Qiao Muer greeted everyone present generously, "I've been sick for the past few days, and my absence from work has caused inconvenience to everyone..."

"No, no, no inconvenience, Secretary Qiao, if you are not in good health, you should take a good rest..."

"Yes, yes, you just had a high fever, and you should stay in bed more."

Before Qiao Muer could speak, several executives from Zheng Rong jumped up to appease her.

Out of Qiao Muer's expectation, Zheng Rong's employees were more motivated than their imperial court counterparts.

On the other hand, on the imperial court's side, except for the airborne personnel and Zhao Yu brought by herself, everyone else seemed to be hesitant, as if trying to avoid suspicion.

The executives from the marketing department and the management department were fine. They hesitated a little, but they still greeted her after hesitating for a while.

But Secretary Zhang and Su Qianfei stared at her with very critical and disgusted eyes.

If Qiao Mu'er remembered correctly, the reason why she had a fever and was sick was thanks to Su Qianfei.

Heh... She recovered from her illness, and she hasn't settled with Su Qianfei yet, but Su Qianfei dares to pick things up first.

Qiao Muer didn't shy away from it, and walked up to Su Qianfei generously: "Secretary Su, what kind of eyes do you have? If you have any dissatisfaction with me, you can say it."

Su Qianfei obviously didn't expect Qiao Muer to directly point it out.

Her face darkened, and she smiled: "Secretary Qiao just joked, you are a big celebrity in the company, how dare I be dissatisfied with you."

"Oh, is that so?" Qiao Muer also hooked her lips, but her smile was colder and more beautiful than Su Qianfei's.

"Since you are not dissatisfied with me, let me talk about my dissatisfaction with you. Secretary Su, you dragged me out of the swimming pool, causing me to fall into the water and cause a high fever. Are you going to pretend that nothing happened?

If you did something wrong, you should apologize first, right? "

"I..." Su Qianfei obviously didn't expect that someone like Qiao Muer would apologize to her in public.

According to Su Qianfei's observation of Qiao Muer, Qiao Muer's fate is thinner than paper, but her heart is higher than the sky.

An ordinary university student, but he has a strong self-esteem, and he especially likes to pretend to be noble.

Su Qianfei thought that Qiao Muer would never mention such embarrassing things to her on the spot.

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