Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 153: The young master is on the third floor


When Qiao Muer returned to her room, Meng Fang, the personal doctor and nurse were gone.

She rummaged in her room, trying to see if there were any clues, but there was nothing.

But a voice in her heart told Qiao Muer that something was wrong.

What is wrong?

Where exactly?

At this moment, Qiao Muer suddenly remembered something, and ran out of the villa quickly.

When she came to the garage outside the villa and saw the vehicles in the garage clearly, her beautiful almond eyes lit up instantly.

One, two, three, four... eleven...

There are eleven cars in total.

In the beginning, their imperial court drove a total of three cars, Zhengrong four cars, a total of seven cars.

Later, the imperial court's 'airborne troops' from the headquarters drove two cars, that is nine cars.

Doctors and nurses drive one car, that's ten cars.

And here, there are eleven cars.

It is self-evident whose car is the extra silver-gray sports car with smooth lines.

Yue Zheng...he didn't leave at all, he was still in this villa!

Under the warm afternoon sun, Qiao Muer stood in front of the garage, a pair of bright almond eyes sparkling.

She wants to find Yue Zheng.

At the very least, ask for clarification.


Meng Fang was carrying the tray and just came down the stairs when he turned a corner and was almost taken aback by Qiao Muer who suddenly appeared in the corner.

He quickly stabilized his hands and said respectfully, "Miss Mu'er, why are you standing here?"

When no one else was around, he continued to use the old address in private.

Qiao Muer stood leaning against the wall, raised her chin slightly and looked at Meng Fang.

A man in a suit with gold-rimmed glasses looks meticulous.

And the tray in his hand contained a bowl of thin porridge, it didn't move, it seemed to be brought down intact.

Qiao Mu'er raised her eyebrows slightly, and nodded towards the tray in his hand: "Is this for Yue Zheng?"

Meng Fang froze, and quickly denied: "No, this is mine."

"You yourself?" The woman laughed, "The kitchen is on the first floor. You made the porridge and took it upstairs, walked around, brought it down again, but didn't eat a single bite. Meng Fang, what is your hobby?"

Meng Fang: "..."

"Miss Mu'er, just...don't embarrass me. You should know our young master's temper."

The second young master has a cold and perverse temper, even if Master Lu is here, Meng Fang will never dare to speak nonsense behind the young master's back.

Qiao Muer clenched her lips: "Oh, so you just let your young master's temper... He didn't even drink a mouthful of porridge, does he want to cultivate and become a god? Meng Fang, do Master Lu and Uncle Meng Ze know that the less you abuse like this? ?”

Hearing what Qiao Muer said, Meng Fang immediately became bitter.

How dare he abuse the young master? It's not because the young master doesn't eat it himself.

He...he tried to persuade him, but he couldn't persuade him.

However, things seem to be different now.

Meng Fang quietly raised his eyes to look at Miss Mu'er in front of him... If it is said that whoever speaks to persuade the young master is the most effective, it seems to be the person in front of him.

After hesitating again and again, Meng Fang shook his head: "Miss Mu'er, when you fell into the water, it was the young master who saved you. It was the young master who took care of you during the three days you were in a coma with high fever. He fed you porridge, watched you take medicine, When you said you were cold, I hugged you... I have been with the young master for so long, and I have never seen the young master treat someone so kindly.

The doctor said, your fever has subsided and you may wake up, so the young master ordered us not to tell you of his existence.

I don't know why the young master did this. I dare not let her know if I am nice to a person.

In fact, the young master didn't leave at all, he...was on the third floor...

Or, why don't you go up and see him. When you fell into the water, although you were frightened and had a fever, it was actually a viral cold. The young master...was infected, but he didn't allow anyone to approach him, the doctors and nurses were waiting on the second floor, he..."

Before Meng Fang finished speaking, Qiao Muer had disappeared and went upstairs.

【The next chapter around 19:00】

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