Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 157 The swimsuit on my body was also taken off by you?

"" Yue Zheng's blue phoenix eyes sank.

He obviously did not expect that Dr. Chen would tell this matter in front of Qiao Muer.

One of the reasons why Yue Zheng left before Mu'er woke up was because of this.

Knowing that Mu'er would hate such a thing, he avoided it in order to make her less annoying.

There was a strange guilty conscience in Yue Zheng's grim face.

Dr. Chen didn't think as much as Yue Zheng did. He is a doctor, so he has long been used to it.

Therefore, at this time, Dr. Chen said in a casual and ordinary tone, "Miss Qiao occasionally has a fever after the high fever subsides. Sometimes the time between taking antipyretics has not yet come, and sometimes the temperature is not high but low-grade. At this time, physical cooling methods are needed to relieve you.

So at that time, the less I told her, I could give Ms. Qiao a bath with warm water to cool down. This approach, combined with drug therapy, will make the patient more comfortable. "

Before, Qiao Mu'er was completely unconscious and had constant nightmares and high fever.

In desperation, Dr. Chen gave her an injection.

But in fact, unless the high fever persists and the condition is very serious, any competent doctor will not give the patient infusion therapy at will.

Although Yue Shao still has a high fever now, his consciousness is as usual, and it is not that serious.

Therefore, Dr. Chen adhered to the medical ethics and did not get an injection if he could. After prescribing some medicine, he told him to drink plenty of water and ventilate, so as not to let other people come up and spread the virus, so he left.


When Dr. Chen and the nurse left and Meng Fang retreated quietly, Qiao Muer, who had been standing by the bed with her head down and silent, suddenly raised her head.

"You take me to the bathtub to take a bath" She should have thought of this a long time ago.

Although when she woke up she was dressed and lying on the bed with someone watching over her.

But both Su Qianfei and Meng Fang said that Yue Zheng guarded her in the room for three days and three nights.

He even hugged her because she said it was cold

Yue Zheng pretended to be cold and said, "It's just to help you reduce your fever."

Qiao Muer, "But when I fell into the water, I was wearing a swimsuit. The swimsuit on me was also taken off by you."

Yue Zheng "Well, otherwise, you are going to wear a swimsuit to recuperate"

of course not.

Qiao Muer's anger just now because of Dr. Chen's words was cooled down by Yue Zheng's seemingly indifferent and calm response.


Yuezheng is just to help her, just like she is now, isn't it?

Doctors treat patients equally, they only save lives and have nothing to do with other things.

Qiao Muer, who was a little anxious and shy because of Dr. Chen's words, quickly calmed down.

She regained her composure.

It took a while to raise those apricot eyes and look at Yue Zheng.

Yue Zheng's deep blue eyes were staring at Qiao Mu'er, and there was a dark expectation hidden in the bottom of the eyes.

Qiao Muer walked to the table with a cold expression, and picked up the medicine left by Dr. Chen, "Take the anti-fever medicine first. After taking the medicine, drink more water, sleep and rest."

Since you have taken care of me for three days and three nights, I will take care of you as if we are even and we owe each other nothing. "

When Qiao Muer lowered her head to unpack the medicine bag, her eyes moved slightly.

But just happened to miss the flash of disappointment on Yue Zheng's face.

She took out the medicine, put it in the palm of her hand, and handed it to Yue Zheng, "Eat it, drink this glass of water too, and go to sleep after drinking it."

Yuezheng's blue pupils fell on her fair and delicate face, deeply.

He looked at her for a few seconds, took the medicine, and swallowed it with warm water.

An hour later, the medicine started to take effect, and Yue Zheng broke out in sweat, but the temperature on his forehead dropped down.

Qiao Muer stayed by his side all the time, checking on his situation from time to time.

A few hours later, Yuezheng woke up with a sticky feeling.

He was uncomfortable all over, and the sticky feeling displeased him.

And at this time, Qiao Muer's soft voice came, "You woke up and you are sweating all over, you are very uncomfortable.

I sent a WeChat message to Dr. Chen just now, and he said that you are awake, if you are physically fit, it is best to take a bath, which will make you more comfortable.

Get up, I'll help you to the bathroom. "

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