Chapter 2687

Not only did Qiao Muer not leave that night, she even slept on Yuezheng's big bed.

There used to be other rooms on the third floor, and she used to sleep there before, and this was the first time after two and a half years that she was awake and sharing the same bed with Yue Zheng.

Originally, Qiao Muer was annoyed by Yue Zheng's deceitful deception of taking a cold shower, and was about to leave.

But once she had the tendency to leave, Yue Zheng would grab her back and hug her.

He held her tightly and held her in his arms all night, never letting go.

To be honest, it made Qiao Muer sleep uncomfortable at all.

Because Yue Zheng's arms hugged her too tightly.

It was like two iron chains tightly around her waist, even if she wanted to loosen it, he would not let it go.

She had an inexplicable illusion that Yue Zheng's embrace made her want to rub her into his body.

This feeling, as if Yue Zheng is an insecure child.

No, she must be thinking too much.

He is Yue Zheng, that cold and poisonous man.

He wouldn't feel insecure... Qiao Muer told herself that he was just sick, lonely and sad.

Many people are like this. When they are sick, they are particularly vulnerable and want to be accompanied by others.

Well, that's it, just treat her as a charity.

Thinking like this, Qiao Muer finally fell asleep in the middle of the night.

When he felt the breathing of the little woman in his arms gradually stabilized, the man who was holding her gradually let go of his arms.

Yue Zheng lowered his head, his blue eyes quietly fell on the peaceful little face that was sleeping unconsciously.

This kind of peace and tranquility is not only on Qiao Muer's face, but also comes from Yue Zheng's state of mind at the moment.

After hugging Mu'er, his heart finally landed and he found peace.

This feeling is more comfortable than the feeling of holding Mu'er when she had a fever and passed out a few days ago.

Because that time, Mu'er was in an unconscious coma.

But this time, she did it 'voluntarily'.

She is willing to stay, which is the best progress.

"Mu'er..." the man hoarsely kissed her ear, "I love you."




The next day, when Qiao Muer woke up, her whole body was filled with a soft and comfortable feeling.

In the past few days, taking care of Yuezheng, she was always worried about his physical condition, fearing that he would have a fever repeatedly in the middle of the night, so she often had to wake up at night to pay attention to his condition, which made Qiao Muer unable to sleep well.

But last night, she slept next to him, tightly surrounded by him.

Don't forget to wake up to see him at night, embraced by that safe and wide embrace, unexpectedly fell asleep until he woke up naturally.

"Hmm..." Qiao Muer subconsciously stretched her waist, and touched the bed beside her with her left hand, suddenly feeling something was wrong.

She was startled for a moment, and looked to the side, but there was no one around her.

What about Yue Zheng?

Why is he missing!

In Qiao Muer's mind, Yue Zheng was still a patient.

He had a fever for several days in a row, and the doctor told him to stay in bed to recuperate. How could he get out of bed, how could he not see him!

Quickly bouncing up from the bed, Qiao Muer searched the entire third floor, but Yue Zheng was nowhere to be seen.

What about Yuezheng people?

Where did he go!

Could it be—

Qiao Muer's eyes subconsciously looked towards the stairs. If there was no one on the third floor, it might have gone downstairs.

For some unknown reason, Qiao Muer felt a little flustered inexplicably.

That feeling is very similar to two and a half years ago.

After the college entrance examination, I learned that Brother Youyou has someone he likes, so he is going to have a showdown with the godmother and the others and make it public with Yuezheng.

When she was finally ready and decided to take this step, the man said that he could not marry her.

The current situation is not at all like the original situation, she and Yue Zheng are nothing at all.

But at this moment, it is so inexplicable to think of that year.

Even though Qiao Muer told herself to be calm and calm, she still unconsciously lost her mind.

Perhaps, she shouldn't have stayed last night, and shouldn't... let Yue Zheng hold her like that.

Yue Zheng hugged her and disappeared.

Is that right?


【The next chapter around 19:00】

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