Vertex Fiction Network

Yue Zheng once said that he would never accept Lu Yuchen's imperial court.

Yue Zheng once said that if he wanted to marry Qiao Muer, it would have to wait until five years later.

But now, what he once said was overturned one by one by himself.

In order not to leave any complaints about Qiao Muer's work, and to get close to her, he flew to the imperial headquarters immediately after leaving the villa that day, and went up to the top floor to meet Lu Yuchen.

The father and son negotiated for hours behind closed doors in their office.

In the end, Yue Zheng not only had to take over the Royal Court branch, but if he could successfully marry Qiao Muer in the future, he would also have to agree to Lord Lu as the executive president of the Royal Court head office.

When the time comes, Lord Lu will be able to enjoy the blessings and spend all his time with his wife when he becomes the chairman of the board.

And all the children of the Lu family have royal shares.

Hand over the work to Yuezheng, and everyone just needs to pay dividends at the end of the year.

Coupled with the fact that Master Lu spoiled his daughter so much, Dudu and Yanyan's shares are more than Youyou and An An's combined.

That is to say, when Yue Zheng became the president of the imperial court, he worked tirelessly every day, but in the end, it was more to support his two younger sisters.

Of course Yue Zheng doesn't mind taking care of his younger sister, but he loves freedom by nature and doesn't want to be restrained.

Therefore, for many years, he would rather manage and develop the Zhengrong he founded outside, and be considerate to his grandparents and uncles to take care of the Reddington Group for them, rather than get involved in the Lu family's family affairs.

But now, because of Qiao Muer, he personally came to the door and bowed his head.

I am personally willing to take over what he once resisted.

The man hugged Qiao Muer from behind, even if she wanted to step on him with the heel of her high-heeled shoes several times, she would not let go.

"Mu'er... I take back what I said back then. I always thought that I was rational and indifferent enough to get used to life without you. My next five years will pass quickly... I thought I thought too highly of myself. I thought that even if I got angry and left at that time, You like me so much, if you come back after five years away, you will definitely wait for me at the same place."

Yue Zheng hugged Qiao Mu'er, and in a slightly hoarse and sexy voice, slowly narrated what he had kept in his heart all these years.

"But it turned out that the five years were so difficult... Seeing that Zhengrong has an acquisition case in H City, I came here specially because I expected that I might run into you.

I just want to take a look and leave, just like meeting at the clubhouse that night, maintaining an indifferent and alienated attitude, and waiting to appear in front of you again after five years. I... also want to save face, and I don't want to let what I said be overturned and lose face.

It's a pity that there are some people who can't leave after seeing each other.

Mu'er...I...was wrong.

I miss you, I really want... I want to hold you now, put a ring on you, and start over with you.

Mu'er...I love you...marry me. "

Yue Zheng probably never said such a long word in his life.

He circled her from behind Qiao Muer, hugged her tightly, and whispered these words in a low and hoarse voice behind her ear.

The always arrogant man didn't even dare to look at the woman's face at this moment.

He was afraid of hearing her rejection, afraid of her saying that she no longer loved him and would not wait for him where she was.

After getting along in the villa, Yue Zheng is no longer as sure of Qiao Muer as before.

It was because he was not sure enough that he was anxious to trap her with a diamond ring, and he did not hesitate to bow his head to Master Lu, but also to come to the imperial court and be by her side.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, he finally heard the woman's soft and trembling voice——

"Marriage... no..."


The man's icy blue eyes dimmed slightly.

" can have a relationship first."

[Update completed on 10.3, see you tomorrow night~]

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