Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 181 Mu'er, what are you wearing on your hand!

"Is your office a bit small?"

Qiao Muer, who followed Zhuo Yunfei in, frowned slightly when she saw the surrounding decorations.

"It's not too small, it's just right. Anyway, I usually play games and watch the ball, so I don't need such a big place." Zhuo Yunfei smiled indifferently.

He is not good at anything, just a little good, contentment.

Qiao Muer once heard her mother and godmother talk about this in private, and she was glad that Zhuo Yunfei grew up with Lu's parents since childhood, and it is said that he did not inherit his parents' insatiable greed.

Contentment is always happy, life is enough.

Qiao Muer curled her lips: "You play less in the future, I will take care of you before and after, but now it's getting worse...he will definitely take care of you."

Zhuo Yunfei is too playful, he was playful when he was a child, and now he is in his twenties, he is still so playful.

"Hey, I panicked when you mentioned this. Mu'er, let me tell you... As soon as Yue Zheng took over the company, he started to check the accounts, check the accounts, check the personnel, and check the company's operations. I'm running fast these days It exploded, here... look at this..."

Zhuo Yunfei pointed to the large pile of documents on his desk.

"These are all made clear by Yue Zheng... It's not like you don't know all these years. I haven't read those documents seriously. You have done them all for me. My aunt, I don't care. , you have to get everything done for me before you can leave."

After Zhuo Yunfei finished speaking, he dragged Qiao Muer to the desk.

He pressed Qiao Muer on the sofa chair behind the desk, and he graciously squeezed Qiao Muer's shoulders and beat his back from behind.

"Hey... I told you that you can't always leave these things to me..." Qiao Muer was really speechless, and sighed while talking about him.

But still thinking about the old love, he took the documents and read them one by one.

She also knew that what Yue Zheng did was a matter of business, but it was indeed too difficult for Zhuo Yunfei.

Zhuo Yunfei has never been able to take care of things, she has handled these things for him before, when she is not around, Zhuo Yunfei is afraid that his scalp will almost bald.

Just when Qiao Muer picked up a document and was about to read it carefully.

"Hiss—" Zhuo Yunfei's horrified gasp suddenly came from behind him.

"Mu, Mu'er... you, you, your left hand... the one you wear on your left index finger, is that... is that a diamond ring?"

Zhuo Yunfei suspected that he had read it wrong, and rubbed his eyes, and exaggeratedly grabbed Qiao Muer's left hand, holding it in front of his eyes for a closer look.

Qiao Muer withdrew her left hand from Zhuo Yunfei's hand: "Why are you so excited? Isn't it just a diamond ring?"

"Of course it's exciting. Don't think I don't know. This big diamond ring is not your style at all. You don't usually wear these. Wait, let me think... Before you entered the office just now, your left hand should be Without this diamond ring.

By the way, Su Qianfei and the others deliberately passed it on in the company, saying that you took Yuezheng's jewelry, which is a big diamond ring, so this is it!

Mu'er, are you agreeing to Yue Zheng and reconciling with him? Mu'er, have you let go of your promise to marry him? "

The relationship between Qiao Muer and Yue Zheng was unknown to others, so how could Zhuo Yunfei not know about it.

When he was young, he liked to play around, and he liked Doududu and Mu'er the most.

At that time, Yuezheng would often talk to him, and it was okay to take care of Dudu closely, but his cousin and nephew treated Qiao Muer very differently.

Although Zhuo Yunfei was stupid when he was young, he was not blind, he could see clearly.

Sure enough, when Mu'er was taking the college entrance examination, he heard that something happened at home in City H.

The marriage contract between Youyou and Mu'er was cancelled, but that boy Yuezheng was found to have "a relationship" with Mu'er.

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