The way Qiao Muer spoke was so soft and so distressing. three inch room

Standing behind her, Zhuo Yunfei looked at her black and white apricot eyes with clear water, knowing that at this moment, Qiao Muer already had the answer.

This is the result of her thinking, and it is her own choice.

Zhuo Yunfei: "I see...Since this is the case, I hope your liking can be cultivated. Mu'er, I sincerely hope that you will be happy."

Such a good girl, stubborn but also soft, she should not be let down.

Qiao Mu'er pursed her lips, raised her head and looked at him with a smile: "Thank you...but it doesn't matter if my liking has a result or not. It's my own thing to like someone, it's a very selfish thing, it doesn't matter to me anymore, I'm Just enjoy the time spent with him. It should be, for the once young and ignorant self, to fulfill the wish."

At this moment, looking at Qiao Muer who raised her head and smiled at him, and said these words.

Zhuo Yunfei was in a trance for a moment.

He felt that Qiao Muer exuded a charming radiance, and her eyes seemed to glow and sparkle.

Her radiant and fair little face has a beauty that cannot be ignored.

This kind of beauty was something that Qiao Mu'er, who had just come to H City after being hurt, didn't have.

This kind of beauty called self-confidence is endowed to her by years of experience and life experience.

So, when Qiao Muer asked him not to tell his family for the time being, she and Yue Zheng were dating.

Zhuo Yunfei hesitated for a moment, but agreed.

Even if he knew that if he did this, in the future... he might be beaten up by his big cousin and Qiao Mohan.


When it was almost time to get off work in the afternoon, Qiao Muer was still sorting out Zhuo Yunfei's files in his office.

Although Yuezheng started dating her, she also agreed with Yuezheng not to get close to her in the company as far as possible so as not to affect the business affairs, and it is best not to announce their relationship.

But Yue Zheng just took over the imperial court, so he is really busy.

After he confirmed his relationship with Qiao Muer, he kept interviewing high-level officials one by one in the office.

In addition, Yue Zheng brought a group of people from Zhengrong to check the accounts for him.

To fully take over a company, accounting, personnel, and administration are all key points that must be clarified.

At this moment, Qiao Muer was still flipping through the documents in her hand.

Zhuo Yunfei held his mobile phone and said, "What do you want to eat for lunch, I asked someone to buy it and send it in. Would you like to eat the Huaiyang cuisine downstairs, or do you want to eat spicy food?"

"No need, I..." Before Qiao Mu'er finished speaking, the door of the office was pushed open from the outside.

Zhuo Yunfei, who was propped up by the table, immediately showed his temper as a young master: "You can't even knock on the door when you come in, do you really want to... think... Yue Zheng, heh, hehe... so it's you..."

Seeing the tall and slender man standing by the door, Zhuo Yunfei swallowed all the words Naqiao said later.

Yue Zheng glanced at him, his blue eyes were cold.

Afterwards, he walked in with long legs, and saw Qiao Muer who was sitting behind the desk, who was almost piled up with a large pile of folders, and frowned displeasedly.

"Mu'er, I remember telling you to go back to rest. What, you have been working for him all afternoon?"

After the two confirmed their relationship, Yue Zheng was seldom considerate, worried that Qiao Muer would feel awkward staying in the company suddenly faced with a change in their relationship.

He specially gave her a day off so that she could get used to it slowly.

Unexpectedly, just now he managed to get out of business and ordered Meng Fang to send lunch to Qiao Muer's apartment.

The reply was that Qiao Muer stayed in Zhuo Yunfei's office all afternoon and never came out.

Yue Zheng naturally knew that nothing could happen to Mu'er and Zhuo Yunfei.

However, it is an eyesore.

Very eyesore.


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