
"It's nothing interesting." Yue Zheng glanced at her with deep blue eyes, and said in a calm voice, "Just tell others that you are mine."

"You..." Qiao Muer didn't expect Yue Zheng to be so reckless.

Not only did he not feel guilty at all, but he even dragged her hand majestically, not letting go.

Qiao Muer's apricot eyes were slightly annoyed: " said it was not public! If you do this, your words don't count. I can terminate our relationship at any time."

"You remember wrongly, I just promise you not to tell anyone else about our relationship." Yue Zhengru's deep eyes fixed on her face, looking at the woman standing against the inner wall at the corner of the elevator, his eyes became deeper.

"Now it's not considered a breach of promise... Mu'er, if I didn't 'tell' our relationship to other people, it doesn't count as a violation of our agreement."

Yue Zheng deliberately emphasized the word 'say', obviously taking advantage of language gaps.

Yes, he did not say just now, nor did he announce their relationship.

But he held her hand and walked in front of the colleagues in the company. What's the difference between that and directly announcing their relationship!

"Hey, you are my girlfriend now, don't affect our relationship for those insignificant people. Get hungry, I'll take you to lunch..."

Yue Zheng stretched out his right hand and rubbed her head, then his right hand went down to hold her face.

The left arm rested against the inner wall of the elevator, and the slender fingers of the right hand supported Qiao Muer's chin. In this posture, Yue Zheng leaned over and lowered his head, and gently kissed Qiao Muer's soft lips with his thin lips.

Not a deep kiss, just a light touch.

He trapped her in this small world, making the most common intimacy among lovers.

Perhaps she wasn't used to approaching Yue Zheng like this, the first time Qiao Mu'er touched the man's cool lips, she subconsciously turned her head to the side to avoid it.

But Yue Zheng's movements seemed gentle, but in reality they were overbearing that could not be rejected.

He put a little more force on her pointed chin, and his blue eyes focused on her: "Mu'er, it's very common for male and female friends to do this kind of means they like it."

Yuezheng's voice is magnetic and low-mellow, with a hint of temptation in the coolness.

In the past, Qiao Muer liked listening to this kind of voice very much, and every sound could easily touch her heartstrings.

But now, the voice is still nice, but she is not used to it.

The body will become stiff unconsciously, and there will be vigilance in the eyes.

In the bottom of my heart, I was full of defense.

Although Qiao Muer agreed to associate with Yuezheng, she never let go of her physical and mental vigilance.

Once bitten by a snake, afraid of well ropes for ten years.

This may be the sequelae of having given unreservedly but been deeply hurt.

Fortunately, today's Yue Zheng is no longer as selfish and arrogant as before.

He easily felt the instinctive rejection of Qiao Muer's body, felt her tension and stiffness.

The man continued to kiss her, his thin lips stuck to her soft lips, and his slightly rough fingertips gently rubbed her cheeks, as if caring for some hard-won treasure.

They kissed for a long time, but Yue Zheng never pried her lips open domineeringly, let alone poked his tongue into the honey-like lips.

It's not so much a kiss as it is Yue Zheng's gentle comfort.

It wasn't until the elevator reached the bottom floor that a 'ding dong' sound reminded him that Yue Zheng slowly let go of the little woman who had been kissed softly.

Qiao Muer leaned against the inner wall of the elevator, her eyes were watery and clear, and her cheeks were obviously flushed.

This kind of her is less of the neat and glamorous in the company, and more soft and charming like when she was young.

In the blink of an eye, Yue Zheng seemed to see the little white rabbit who used to show timidity when he was bullying him.

"Let's go, I'll take you to eat something delicious..." Yue Zheng took Qiao Mu'er's hand, led her hand, and stepped out of the elevator gracefully.

Under the watchful eyes of all the employees passing by on the first floor of the company, he walked out of the building calmly.

[1 update first, and 2 updates before 20:00~]

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