Chapter 2716 Try a new bed

Qiao Muer knew that Yue Zheng had no good intentions.

When they arrived, Yue Zheng's luggage had already been delivered.

The two of them hadn't had dinner yet, but they had just brought Yue Zheng into the guest room and asked him to put his things away, when Qiao Muer was hugged by Yue Zheng and collapsed on the newly made big bed.

Yue Zheng pressed her under him, his voice hoarse: "This quite elastic."

As he spoke, he put his elbow on her shoulder and pressed down.

Looking at Qiao Mu'er's eyes, the deep and scorching hotness appeared in the deep blue.

In fact, when Qiao Muer let Yue Zheng move into the apartment, she already guessed that the relationship between the two would not just stop at the stage of kissing and holding hands.

Yue Zheng looked at what was in her eyes, and she could clearly feel it.


"You said you just moved in, and you won't do anything to me." Qiao Muer raised her hands against the man's hard chest, staring at him with a pair of moist almond eyes, but the slight blush at the end of her eyes made people want more. eat her.

Yue Zheng hooked his lips: "...Mu'er, I regret it now."

"You..." She knew that she couldn't believe Yue Zheng's words.

Qiao Muer wanted to say something, but Yue Zheng had already bowed his head and kissed her lips.

His kiss was strong and hot, and he wanted to do it ever since Mu'er nodded to reconcile with him.

Yuezheng has been waiting for these two days, telling himself not to rush.

But the woman he had been thinking about for a long time was lying under him at the moment, and it was hard for any normal man to refuse such a kind offer.

The heated room was warm, Qiao Muer and Yue Zheng's clothes were taken off one by one, and soon... There was an ambiguous panting sound in the warm bedroom.


At the end of the lingering night, the exhausted Qiao Muer turned her back to Yuezheng and was embraced by him, fell into the big bed and fell into a deep sleep.

Yue Zheng's arm was pillowed under Qiao Mu'er's head, and his other big hand went from back to front to caress her lower abdomen, holding her tightly in his arms.

Yue Zheng hugged Qiao Mu'er very tightly, not wanting to let go even in his sleep.

I don't know how long it took, when Yue Zheng's breathing gradually became even, and it was obvious that he had fallen asleep.

Being held in his arms, Qiao Muer, who was clearly asleep, slowly opened her eyes.

In the silent night, there is still silver moonlight shining outside the floor-to-ceiling glass of the penthouse apartment.

Qiao Muer turned around slowly, and looked up at the man who was holding her tightly.

Under the moonlight, Yue Zheng with his eyes closed had thick eyelashes and deep facial features.

He still had the stern and charming appearance in Qiao Muer's memory, even if he closed his eyes and didn't look at her with those deep and indifferent blue eyes, it could still make people's heart beat faster.

However... Qiao Muer, who was ignorant and obsessed with him in the past, is already dead.

Qiao Muer nestled in Yue Zheng's arms, raised her eyes to look at him for an unknown amount of time, her eyes gradually turned red, and her soft eyes gradually blurred.


The next day, after Qiao Muer got up, she tossed in the room alone for a long time before coming out.

When she changed into her suit and appeared in front of Yue Zheng, the man who had just brought breakfast to the table frowned slightly.

"Wearing so much, it's cold?" Yue Zheng stood up and subconsciously walked to Qiao Muer's side.

He stretched out his hand to Qiao Muer's forehead, tested the temperature with the back of his hand and found nothing abnormal, and his face softened a little.

At this moment, Qiao Muer was wearing a light-colored turtleneck sweater, a white skirt, a dark silk scarf around her neck, and a black coat.

Although it is already December, there are heating and air-conditioning everywhere in the room, so there is really no need to wear so much.

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