
"It's not a big deal, Miss Mu'er, you don't have to worry." Although Meng Fang said so, the expression on his face obviously didn't mean it.

Qiao Muer frowned: "Trouble? Meng Fang, you don't have to hide it from me. I want to tell the truth."

Meng Fang was slightly surprised.

Sure enough, the current Miss Mu'er is no longer the former Miss Mu'er, so it's not easy to hide it from her.

He sighed, and told the truth: "That's right, Mr. Zhou came here today to announce that Su Qianfei will be fully responsible for the cooperation between Rongtian and the imperial court in the future."

"Su Qianfei?" Qiao Muer frowned tightly enough, her bright almond eyes were full of doubts, "Why did Mr. Zhou value Su Qianfei so much all of a sudden? Even if Su Qianfei is the daughter of the Su family, she is just a newcomer after all." Mr. he really sure that he wants to hand over Rongtian to such a newcomer in the workplace?"

Qiao Muer was not only surprised, but also deeply felt that the other party's visitor was not kind.

How Su Qianfei was kicked out of the imperial court, both Meng Fang and her knew very well.

Such a person suddenly appeared and climbed to a high position to take the initiative in the acquisition of the imperial court and Rongtian. With his toes, he knew that she had bad intentions.

Meng Fang: "Su Mrs. Zhou now."

After saying this, even Meng Fang couldn't help feeling sorry for Su Qianfei's 'sacrifice' and means.

Mr. Zhou is old enough to be Su Qianfei's father, but Su Qianfei, a young lady in her early twenties, is willing to marry him.

And Mr. Zhou had a family before that.

It has only been half a month since Su Qianfei left the imperial court.

In a short period of time, Su Qianfei not only married herself, but also successfully made Mr. Zhou kick off her original wife and children.

This kind of charm is really scary.

"Marry Mr. Zhou..." Qiao Muer was stunned when she heard this answer, "Su Qianfei is really good at it, and Mr. Zhou can be her father. It seems that this time, Su Qianfei is here Those who are not good, deliberately want to fight against our imperial court."

"Miss Mu'er, you are right, but Su Qianfei may not only target the company, but also...and you."

Meng Fang said: "Inside just now, Su Qianfei asked you to be fully responsible for this follow-up cooperation project, but Miss Mu'er, don't worry, you have already been rejected by Yue Shao. Miss Mu'er, Yue Shao asked me to bring a message to you." You, you'd better ask for leave recently and don't come to the company for the time being.

Now that the imperial court and Zhengrong have become a family, it is not a problem to completely subdue Rongtian, but it will take some time. He is worried that Su Qianfei will take the opportunity to make things difficult for you, so you'd better avoid it. "

Yue Zheng was naturally thinking of Qiao Muer.

Huangting and Zhengrong are not afraid of Rongtian at all.

If it weren't for the fact that the cooperation between the three companies has reached the final stage, all the preparatory work in the early stage would have been in vain, and the imperial court could have swallowed Rongtian.

Of course, it's not that I don't want to eat it now, but I have to wait until the cooperation case is over, and then slowly eat it bite by bite.

All in all, this is a business matter. In other words, it is not suitable for Huangting and Zhengrong to tear themselves apart with Rongtian now. The only way to clean up Rongtian is after the cooperation case is over.

And Su Qianfei thought that she married Mr. Zhou and controlled Rongtian, so she seized the weakness of Huangting and Zhengrong.

So this time, she came here on purpose to get back the scene.

"You don't have to back away." Qiao Muer rejected Meng Fang's proposal without thinking, "If Su Qianfei has the ability, she can come at me... If I, Qiao Muer, are afraid of a woman like her, I will lose it." The face of our Qiao family."

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