Unexpectedly, after Su Qianfei ran back to her natal home and told her parents what had happened, she failed to sue, but was scolded by Su's father and mother in turn.

After Su's father heard what she said, his face turned blue with fright.

The wife and daughter don't understand, but Su's father is a person who has been in the business for a long time, so he naturally knows that no one can offend the imperial court if he offends anyone.

Su Qianfei, the daughter, was spoiled too much by them.

Back then, when Father Su heard that his daughter wanted to work in the imperial court, he actually supported her in his heart.

My daughter likes the president of the imperial court. If they can win the president of the imperial court branch in the future, then their Su family can take the opportunity to climb the dragon and the phoenix to a higher level.

With this in mind, Su's father deliberately opened up a relationship with Su Qianfei, and managed to squeeze Su Qianfei into the secretary's room on the top floor of the imperial court.

Who knows, Su Qianfei doesn't understand Father Su's thoughts at all.

Su Qianfei didn't know much about the business, she only thought that she was born in a wealthy family, but she didn't know that the rich were also divided into classes.

Like the Su family, they are just a small 'land rich man' in H City.

Compared with the Lu family, which is a rich and wealthy family, it is completely different.

"You...you wicked girl, you...you actually lost...a contract worth 10 billion yuan! I knew that raising you so hard was to make you do such stupid things. When you were born Come down, I should suffocate you to death!"

Su's father was furious, and Su's mother originally wanted to persuade her, but when she learned that her daughter had lost a contract worth 10 billion yuan and had caused such a catastrophe, not only did she not dare to persuade her.

Also counted down together.

Early the next morning, the Su family sent Su Qianfei, who ran back overnight, back to the Zhou family.

"We spoiled Feifei, Xiao Zhou, we are sorry for you. This incident caused Rongtian Group to suffer such a big loss, our Su family... our Su family brought such an unfilial daughter back to you Sorry, please don't be as knowledgeable as her."

"Yes, son-in-law, we are all a family. Don't worry about anything. There is no overnight feud between the family. Feifei did something wrong, and we have educated her severely. You are newlyweds, Don't hurt the relationship between husband and wife because of this."

In Zhou's villa, Su's father and Su's mother escorted Su Qianfei back to meet their son-in-law, Mr. Zhou.

At this moment, Mr. Zhou was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, all kinds of foreign wine were placed in front of him, and he smelled heavily of alcohol.

Apparently, it was also because of the failure of the cooperation case that he was depressed and drank and got drunk at home.

Mr. Zhou raised his eyes, which were scarlet from alcohol, and glanced at Su Qianfei.

Su Qianfei was standing behind her parents with a swollen face at the moment, she shrunk her neck slightly, her expression was numb.

After being beaten by her newlywed husband and scolded by her parents, Su Qianfei no longer has the complacency and pampering she used to have.

She didn't even know how she followed her parents back to Zhou's house.

The only thing she knew in her heart was that it was Qiao Muer... Qiao Muer... Qiao Muer who had died!

"Oh, President Su and Mrs. Su are just joking. How can I bear such a good daughter raised by your Su family? If you don't want a business of 10 billion yuan, you don't want it. This is not a small matter that can be wiped away. Even if my father put Rong The sky is in my hands, no matter how much I mess around, the family business will lose its former glory. But I didn't close my eyes and push this kind of good deal to my door."

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