Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 215 The President and Secretary Qiao Live Together!

After Yue Zheng finished speaking, he took Qiao Muer's hand and walked into the elevator room as if no one was around.

One of the elevators on the basement floor is dedicated to the president, and the rest are only divided into low floors below the 20th floor and high floors above the 20th floor, which are used by ordinary employees of the entire office building.

When Yuezheng pulled Qiao Muer to the elevator room, one of the elevators that could reach the upper floors just went up from the second floor to the first floor and was about to stop.

Yue Zheng took Qiao Muer and stopped in front of the elevator.

Qiao Muer was slightly surprised: "This is the elevator used by ordinary employees, and the one for the president is on the other side."

She pointed to the inside of the elevator. It was not the first time for Yue Zheng to come to work in this imperial building. It has been almost a month since he took over the position of president of the H city branch.

Although Qiao Muer reminded him, she knew that it was impossible for Yue Zheng to make a mistake.

"Well, I know." Sure enough, she heard Yuezheng nod lightly, and his blue eyes turned sideways to her, "But today, I want to take this elevator."

Mr. President wants to experience how crowded the elevators are in the morning rush hour for ordinary employees, so Qiao Muer naturally can't stop him.


Before the experience, let go of your hands, okay?

Qiao Muer twisted her wrist, trying to pull her little hand out of Yue Zheng's big palm.

Yue Zheng tightened his palm and held her hand even tighter.

"But..." Before Qiao Muer could say a word, the elevator door opened in front of them.

The employees who got into the elevator from the garage on the second floor, half of the elevator was jammed, all eyes widened at the moment, staring dumbfoundedly at the combination of handsome men and beautiful women standing at the door.

Secretary Qiao on the top floor has long been familiar to the staff in the company. She is good-looking and cold-tempered, and she does things neatly. serious person.

As for the other person standing beside her...

With an overly handsome face coupled with a tall and straight figure, coupled with those iconic pair of cold blue pupils, as long as it is not an employee with a mental problem, anyone can recognize who this is at a glance.

Early in the morning, Secretary Qiao came to work with the president.

Still... still holding hands!

Although several times, there have been rumors among company employees that they saw the new president and Secretary Joe holding hands for lunch.

During the high-level dinner, there were rumors that Mr. Yue was seen peeling shrimps for Secretary Qiao and asking for his health.

But those rumors are still very far away from ordinary employees in the middle and lower levels of the company. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes today, they would not believe it.

"President Yue, Secretary Qiao..."

"Boss, good morning, Secretary Qiao."

"Less less, Secretary Qiao has a place here..."

Everyone didn't know that Yue Zheng, as the president, had a good special elevator and didn't use it, so why did he take this ordinary elevator.

But when the president came, they couldn't drive people away, right?

So from the moment Yue Zheng took Qiao Muer's hand and walked into the elevator, the elevator fell into a strange silence.

Even when the elevator reached the first floor and flooded into the crowds of people going to work during the morning rush hour, those employees who ran in before they had time to see clearly shut up after getting on the elevator.

Just like that, the elevator went up quietly.

Suddenly, a deep and magnetic voice sounded in the extremely quiet elevator: "Mu'er... remember to change the quilt when you go back later. The quilt was too thin last night, and I caught a cold."

Colleagues crowded with the elevator bridge box: "..."

What, what?

Could it be that the CEO and Secretary Qiao have already...lived together!

[Today we will work overtime first, and there are two more updates to be updated around 20:00, when the time comes, we will update together~! 】

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