"Huh?" Tang Xinluo didn't have time to respond.

The next second, Yue Ze's was like this, in front of everyone, reaching out and covering her face.

The slender fingers, gently, wiped off the stains on her face, which I did not know where.

Yue Ze's fingertips brushed across her cheek with a hint of coolness.

"No, I'll do it myself..." Tang Xinluo refused before he could finish.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise at the entrance of the studio.

Neat footsteps came from outside the studio.

Immediately afterwards, a tall, tall, stern man with a dozen black-clothed bodyguards appeared in everyone's sight.

He is very tall, wearing a black coat, and his features are deep and noble.

A handsome face, even in the entertainment industry who is used to seeing handsome guys and beauties, still has a fatal attraction.

Glancing at that person's cold and deep black eyes, he was about to give his soul completely.

Tang Xinluo stared blankly at the direction of the door, her peach blossom eyes widened.

Lu Yuchen...he...how could he be here! ?

The set, for an instant, was immersed in an eerie silence.

Although no one knew who the man who suddenly appeared was.

But the majestic aura emanating from his whole body, the black-clothed man behind him, and the noble and extravagant demeanor made the entire set sink into an indescribable shock.

Everyone held their breath for fear of missing something.

Tang Xinluo, almost the moment Lu Yuchen appeared, immediately stepped back and avoided Yue Ze's touch.

But even so, her left atrium still kept beating.

Lu Yuchen's whole body radiated cold air, even if he was separated by dozens of meters, he could still clearly feel it.

Tang Xinluo watched him approach step by step.

Looking at the cold color in his eyes, it condensed little by little.

Indifferent eyes fell on her face.

...bitterly cold.

Tang Xinluo opened her lips, wanting to say something.

But Lu Yuchen's gaze moved away from her face as soon as he touched her.

The cold eyes crossed her and fell on Yue Ze.

The moment Lu Yuchen looked at Yue Ze, Tang Xinluo's fragile heart seemed to be clenched.

Bitter, painful.


Lu Yuchen finally walked up to her.

He and Yue Ze, their eyes missed Tang Xinluo and met.

One is 1.91 meters tall and the other is 1.88 meters tall.

Tang Xinluo, who was just over 1.6 meters tall, was standing between the two of them, almost unable to block their undercurrent of sight.

"Lu..." Tang Xinluo finally gathered up the courage and wanted to explain a few words.

As a result, before the words were spoken, he received a sharp eye knife.

Tang Xinluo's little bit of courage, just like that, was scared away by Lu Yuchen's cold eyes.

She bowed her head wisely and shut her mouth.

Sadly, it seems that he still sees everything...

How could it be so unlucky!

Tang Xinluo, who bowed his head, no longer knew what to say to calm the man's anger.

Yue Ze, however, spoke at this time.

"Lord Lu, it's a pleasure to meet you." With just four simple words, he already knew Lu Yuchen's identity.

Lu Yuchen also slightly raised the corners of his lips, revealing a sneer, "Young master of the Reddington family, huh... it's better to be famous than to meet."

Lu Yuchen's voice was low, and he seemed to be smiling softly, but he carried an impressive aura.

Yue Ze, on the other hand, took the initiative to stretch out his hand, with a calm expression on his face, not in the slightest.

The two men, just like this, shook hands in front of Tang Xinluo.

The palms they clasped brushed past Tang Xinluo's side. Seeing their well-jointed fingers clenched firmly, Tang Xinluo suddenly had the illusion of seeing a dazzling eye.

These two men... When did they meet?

[The update is slow today, I want to watch it in one breath and come tonight]

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